Chapter 62

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"Nathan! Brandon is here!" Momma called from the living room. I said, "Okay I'm ready." I walked down the stairs. Everyone else had already left for Prom. Brandon and I said that we were going to surprise them. I ran out the front door after hugging her and hopped in Brandon's car giving him a peck on the cheek. "Off to Prom!" I said putting my hands on my hips like Peter Pan. Brandon chuckled at my grabbing my hand in his. I am so excited to surprise are friends at Prom. We got to the school pretty quick and we both hopped out of the car. Hand in Hand we headed toward the auditorium where the dance is at. We got there and noticed that pictures were being taken as you walked in. So we got our picture taken and the photographer gave us our pictures aweing at us. Someone who is actually nice. That made me smile. Brandon and I walked into the strobe light dancing energetic room looking for our table of friends. We found them and walked over to them. "You guys came!" Ava said. Brandon and I nodded. Amanda said, "I thought you broke up." "Only for about half an hour before I found the note. I don't usually have Frosted Flakes as my first choice anymore." I said shrugging. Everyone laughed at that and I blushed looking down at my feet. "Well it doesn't matter. You guys are here now and look adorable." Jonathon said. Brandon and I nodded again as Ava said, "Well let's go dance!" We all cheered and followed her to the dance floor. We were planning on dancing until our feet hurt.

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