Chapter 45

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Warning might be sexual

I was rudely awakened with a beer bottle thrown above my head. I snapped my eyes open to see my mom standing over me. "Your present is here son. Plus we are going to move you somewhere more comfortable." She said. I just nodded following orders. We ended up at a room at the end of the hall. Mom opened the door to reveal a bed in it and it was carpeted. "Damn." was all I said. My mom said, "Honey just sit down on the bed and your present will be up in a bit." I just nodded knowing that it is a person. Several minutes later a boy about 19 walked in. "I'm Alexander." He said. I said, "Nathan." He turned on a light and looked at me. He said, "You are filthy. I'm gonna give you a bath first." I just nodded. I went to get up, but stumbled because my blades don't work well on carpet. The boy caught me and carried me to the bathroom. I said, "I can bathe by myself you know." "Well since I'm older and seniority rules. You have to listen to me. I at least assume I'm older judging by your height. You are about 15." Alexander said. I said, "I'm 17." "Doesn't matter I'm still older by three years. I'm 20." He said. I didn't undress because he didn't turn around. It was one of those weird moments. God I am cheating again, well we are broken up still I guess, but I still feel like I'm cheating. I looked down. Alexander must've said something because I was slapped. "What?" I asked. He said, "Undress, or I'll do it for you." I nodded and started with my shoe and sock, then took off my bracelets (Yeah, I started cutting). I stood there for a minute before taking off my shirt. I stood there shirtless not wanting to take of my jeans. Alexander didn't exactly care as he striped me of my pants then took off my leg. I fell to the ground still in my boxers. He smirked and took off his shirt before picking me up. He started to treat me like I was two, taking off my boxers himself. He let out a soft moan as my parts hit his side. I tensed. He chuckled setting me in the tub grabbing the shampoo. I put my hands in front of my pieces and parts as he looked down in the clear water while scrubbing my head not to kindly. "You should move your hands." He said. I said, "No I'm good." "I'll make you move your hands kid." He said in my ear as he yanked me backwards to rinse my hair out. My arms flailed to the side of the tub to catch myself. After a few minutes he brought my head back up and smirked at me. I glared at him as my mom walked in the bathroom. "Hey sweetheart. Alex. What are you doing?" she asked. He said, "He was dirty so I am bathing him beforehand." "Oh smart." She said. I shivered at the way she said that. She got closer to us and looked in the tub at me. My hands were back in the original spot as my mother said, "Sweetheart someone else is here to see you." I groaned scared to find out who it was. Next thing I know there is another boy who looks the same age as Alexander standing I the bathroom. By now Alexander was scrubbing my let arm. My mom lifted up my other arm to look and the boy came over too. I closed my eyes and wished that this wasn't happening, I mean Brandon hasn't even seen me naked. I am so screwed. My mom left leaving the door open. The boy stayed holding my other arm out of the way. "So you are Nathan." The boy said. I just hummed in response. The boy said, "I'm Jackson." I just nodded before trying to yank the arm that wasn't being washed out of his grasp to cover. Alexander and Jackson chuckled at my behavior. "What are you going to do to me anyways?" I asked scared of the answer. Alex said, "Well I'm the present your mom has been talking about. I was her to fuck you originally, but you were dirty. Therefore I am going to bathe you then fuck you." I shivered at his tone as Jackson said, "I am Alexander's twin brother and I just followed him here. I am just gonna watch." I groaned and then a hand was on me. My eyes widened, I've never had someone man handle me before. Yeah I've been fucked and raped before but they didn't exactly touch me there with their hands. Alexander started scrubbing down my front and as he got to the lower region I tensed again, the hand moved and I was scrubbed rough and hard. It felt good in a terrible way and I ended up letting out a slight moan. "Damn Alex. Got the kid turned on already." Jackson said. Alex said, "He was scared to move his hands at first. Didn't know you were gonna get a massage there in the tub did you." I let out another soft moan while shaking my head. The soap and scrubbing moved to my legs, and then to my back and butt. I shrieked when I felt something go inside me. "What was that?" I asked looking at Alex who had an innocent smile plastered on his face. He said, "Probably just the soap." "No way was that the soap." I said. He did it again causing me to shriek and almost fly out of the tub. I came out of the water when he did it and then he grabbed me by the waist. He stood me up and dried me off. Spending along time on the front of me. I shivered at the cold air that was coming into the bathroom and in embarrassment because there were two guys in here looking at me and were frisking me while I was in the tub, violating me and my personal space along with privacy. Alex picked me back up while I was still naked. I didn't have my leg on and Jackson grabbed it but didn't hand it to me. I asked,
"Can I have my leg back?" "No silly, we just have to take it off again." Alexander said. I pouted as he took me down stairs to where my mom was. "Awe is my baby boy all clean now?" she cooed. Why am I being treated like I'm two? "Stop treating me like I'm two." I said. Mom said, "No that is how you are gonna be treated from now on. Now show me my clean baby. " I went to move my hands, but Jackson grabbed them as Alexander turned me to face my mom. "Wow squeaky clean and no dirt anywhere." She said handling me. I tried to kick her away, but that didn't quite work. I huffed out of annoyance and just let it happen. I hated being man handled. My mom let go of me and Alex put me back on his hip as Jack let go of my hands. She handed Alex something that looked like clothes. "Can I put clothes on?" I asked. Alex said, "They are gonna come off anyway." I huffed in annoyance. Alex then stuck something in my butt again and I shrieked grinded on him a bit. My mom chuckled at me. "Stop acting like you are girl sweetheart." She said. I said, "I don't like that though." "Then I'll do this instead." Alex said turning me to face my mom again. I started trembling as I got several whips of a belt across my front, anywhere from chest to lower regions. It hurt bad and then Alex turned me back into him hard and we went upstairs. I was plopped on the bed and frisked without mercy.

Nothing can break us apart (sequel to from prince to popper)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz