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"Hey dude, you've been hanging out with those Poppers and the two gay girls. A lot lately." Jeremy said. I said, "Friends and one of those girls is my cousin." "You have a lesbian cousin!" Hannah said shocked. I nodded and continued to lunch. "Why don't you come and hang out with us tonight at the Pit?" Jeremy said. I said, "Can't it's Nathan's birthday. He has a party tonight that I'm going to." "Why do you even hang out with that white trash?" Hannah sneered. I said, "Because, he is my friend." I said. I am not comfortable yet to tell the Hannah and Jeremy about me and Nathan being a couple, because then the whole school would know and beat the shit out of us. When we got into the cafeteria I went to go sit with Nat, Amanda, and Ava while Jeremy tried to pull me along with him and Hannah. Not twitching noticeably, but I could tell he was. Fighting with Nickolas again. Man, why won't Nickolas go away? I got out of Jeremy's grasp and headed straight for Nathan. "You okay?" I asked him. He didn't answer. His eyes kept flickering from their normal green to Nickolas' black. "What's going on?" Amanda asked. I said, "He is fighting with Nickolas. I think he should go home." "No....." Nathan tried. I said, "I think you should." Then Clare came over with Sarah and Jonathon. "Nate?" Clare said. I said, "He's fighting with Nickolas." "Nickolas never comes out during school." Clare said. I looked at her and said, "He should go home." She agreed with me and called Liliana I believe. "Nathan, you gotta hang in there bud." Sarah said. I had my hand on his shoulder and watched as he went from scared to evil and back again. Ava said, "This is really bad." I nodded and Nathan's hands went to his head. He had started to cry because of the pain. All the Poppers and friends who know Nathan were standing around the lunch table. Ava, Amanda, Sarah, Jonathon and I were trying to calm Nathan down until he passed out. We all backed up and Eric picked him up and we followed him to the nurse's office.

Nothing can break us apart (sequel to from prince to popper)Where stories live. Discover now