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I was finishing up my homework from the week before when there was a knock on the door. "One minute!" I shouted finishing the last question before getting up to get the door. I opened it and to my surprise Emily was standing there. I let her in and asked, "What's wrong?" "Clare and Eric won't believe me that you'd help get Nathan to understand the consequences of what he is doing." She said. I asked, "What is he doing?" "He smokes. He was rude to Eric and Clare when they confronted him about it. He goes to smoke at least three times a day. Before and after school too." Emily said. I looked at her shocked. "That explains why the pot brains sit with him at lunch." I said She asked, "So you'll help." "I don't know Em. Nathan and I aren't quite on the same page yet." I said. Emily said, "You know, I believe it was Riley's idea to make sure Nathan got really drunk. I went to the same school as Riley and Nathan, before we adopted Nathan. Riley has had a crush on him for a while. He never admitted it though. That's why I think he hates you. He was trying to wedge a breaking point into your relationship. You are letting him win. Plus sometimes at night, since that dumb party you guys went to, I walk out into the living room to find Nathan crying over a box that says 'Things that can't be mine' on it. There are a bunch of pictures of you guys together, a picture of happy birthparents, a picture about not being a disappointment and the cross you gave him on his birthday." And with that she left. I sat there wallowing in my own self-pity for weeks without realizing the effect it had on Nathan. I got up and called Nathan. He didn't pick up so I headed to the park, he usually did his thinking there.

Nothing can break us apart (sequel to from prince to popper)Where stories live. Discover now