Chapter 55

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Nathan is still grounded and I can only see him at school whilst he hangs around Liam like a scared puppy. His eyes are always huge and he looks terrified. He is so skinny and sometimes leaves school with wet pants. The popular rich kids always tease him. He still gets bullied. He looks so skinny too. I think he is refusing to eat. That isn't good. I should talk to Liliana about it. Maybe she can make him eat. So after school I went straight to the Poppers' work instead of my house. I walked in and immediately found Liliana. "Ms. Liliana can I ask you a favor?" I asked as I approached her. She said, "What?" "Can you have Nathan eat?" I asked. She said, "I don't even know where Nathan is. He hasn't been home in a week." "I see him every day at school, he just hangs with new people now." I said. Clare came up and said, "Yeah he follows Liam around like a sick puppy." "I had the same thought." I said. Liliana just shrugged and walked away. "We gotta find Nathan. We need to ask Riley." Clare said. I asked, "Why would Riley know, he transferred schools remember?" "Right, then we'll have Emily ask Luke. She is out with him right now, hold on a sec." Clare said taking out her phone and texting Emily.

My phone vibrated and I looked to find a text from Clare.
C: Ask Luke about Nathan hanging around Liam.
"Uh hey Luke?" I asked. He said, "Yeah babe." "Why is Nathan hanging around Liam so much?" I asked. He said shocked, "You don't know about Liam's job?" I shook my head no and he said, "Liam is getting paid to take care of Nathan and basically be Nathan's boyfriend." "I thought that was Brandon's job voluntarily." I stated. Luke said, "Naw, Liam is getting relieved at random times because of all the girls he stares or thinks about during school and sometimes he takes a bunch of people into the bathroom with Nathan. Sometimes into the girls bathroom to let the girls get their hormones calmed down." Wow Nathan is being used. Luke said, "Try to stay away from Liam for me, please." I nodded and texted Clare.
E: He is getting paid to be around Nathan. Nathan is there just to be used. Luke said that Liam is being paid to basically be Nathan's boyfriend.
C: Thanks for the information. Nathan doesn't exactly like it.
E: No he doesn't. Well gotta go, bye.

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