Chapter 51

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*Six weeks later*
"Hey Momma, can I take Nathan on a drive? I know he is still grounded and isn't really allowed out, but he seems like he is cooped up in his room. He goes from school to work and when he comes home he goes straight to his room." I asked. Momma said, "I guess so." I went and knocked on Nathan's door. He opened it and looked down at me from the ceiling. "Hey bud, want to go for a drive with me? It'll get you out of the house." I said. He said, "Okay." And came down his latter and we went out to my car. Once in my car he asked, "Are you all right?" "I need to talk to you about something that has been bothering me." I said. He said, "Okay. Hey where are we going?" "Treehouse." I stated. Nathan said, "I haven't been there in ages." "Same." I said as we neared the woods. We hopped out and I had Nathan get on my back as I climbed into the tree house. "So what is it that you need to talk to me about?" he asked. I said, "Remember when I left the house after Momma grounded you?" He nodded and I continued, "Well I was on my way to these woods and as I was passing Riley's he drug me inside. I was talking to him about how he was freakishly tall. Then I asked him why he kidnapped me. All he said was 'so I can do this' and then he kissed me. I was against the wall still for a while and then I started to kiss back. After that he said I didn't know you were gay. I didn't think I was. Now I can't stop thinking about that kiss. What is wrong with me?" Nathan was quiet for a while before saying, "You like him. You are gay. Awe Eric." "Shut up." I muttered. Nathan said, "Just don't do stuff to fast with Riley." "Got it." I said. Nathan asked, "Can I talk to you about what happened at my mom's?" "Sure." I said and Nathan told me everything that happened at his mom's, occasionally going on side note rants about stupid things. When he was done I looked at him with wide eyes. "Nate let me see your wrists." I said. He reluctantly handed me his arms. I took off his wrist bands then pushed the sleeves of his sweater up to reveal more cuts and some fresh ones. I said, "Nate, you know that this is bad. Why are you doing it now to yourself? I though Kendall and Clare got you to stop." "I feel like I'm an awful person. I cheated on my boyfriend three times and I made Momma angry and upset. Plus from the shit I get at school." He said. I said, "You only cheated on Brandon once." "No three, once with Riley, then with Alexander and Jackson. Four if you count my mom." He said starting to cry. I rubbed his back as he started to calm down. "Let's go home." I said and he nodded as we left the tree house.

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