Chapter 48

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When we got back to the Poppers' Nathan was asleep and Liliana was home. I was carrying Nathan and when we got inside Clare wanted to check for injuries. "Is Nathan okay?" Liliana asked. We all stopped in our tracks trying to figure out what to stay. Liliana said, "I'm waiting," "Well we found out that Nathan started smoking and that's why he came to work or home smelling like smoke." Clare started. What is Liliana doing back early anyway? "And then when Clare and I confronted him about he was pissy and mean. He took off and we didn't know where." Eric said. I said, "Then Emily came to me for help so I checked the park. But he wasn't there and I called him twice. He didn't pick up." "Then he came to get me." Riley said. Amanda said, "Then Ava, Jonathon and I." "Then we all came back here to try and figure out what to do." Clare said. Kendall said, "We decided to call him again and the phone picked up." "It was two men and Nathan. Nathan was whimpering the whole time." Riley said. Kendall said, "He was being raped." "And we heard him scream in pain so we want to check for injuries." Clare said. Liliana asked, "Where did you find him?" "His birthparents house." Riley said. Liliana's eyes widen and Eric asked, "So how come you are home early, Momma." "Because the meetings didn't take as long as I thought. Now is Nathan just sleeping?" she said. We all nodded and she took a deep breath. I carried Nathan to Clare's room. Eric came in as well. Clare took off Nathan's shirt and we saw belt whip marks all the way down his chest and past the waist line of his pants. "Pull his waist band down." Clare said. Eric and I slowly pulled Nathan's waist band down revealing more marks and a slash around his waist. The mark goes all the way around his body. "That was from the pocket knife and Nathan's pain screaming." Clare said. She left the room and came back with a first aid kit. We fixed Nathan up and put his shirt back on him. Hopefully he will be better when he wakes up. Speaking of waking up. Nathan's eyes slowly opened and he asked, "Are we home?" "Yeah and I think Momma wants to talk to you." Eric said. I helped Nathan slowly stand up and we walked into the living room. "Can you all please leave me and Nathan alone for a bit." Liliana said. We all nodded and left the room.

My baby looked scared, but I was mad at him. "Nathan Ender Jacob why did you start smoking." I said. He hates that I used his entire name from when he was born, not his adoptive name. He avoided my gaze and said, "Well five of us went to a party and I got really drunk. I ended up cheating on Brandon. Then he stopped talking to me because he was mad and I left his house and Clare and was listening to the voice in my head. I bought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and smoked out my pain. Then I get to school I've smoked and then people started to make fun of me again and so at lunch I sit with the stoners, well techniquely I sit by myself until they join me. So I walk to work or home so I can smoke and then chew gum to cover it up. I then told you that I just walk by people while they are smoking. I didn't want you to be mad at me. Soon I smoking just wasn't helping so I um...... yeah and then Eric and Clare found out so I ran off. I don't know why I ran to my mom's house, I just did. My dad is in jail so she wasn't that mean. She still let people come and rape me. I was roughly frisked in the tub. The boy, Alexander, wanted me to be clean first." He explained. I looked at him before saying, "Nathan you are 17. You are too young to drink and smoke. Boy you are in trouble, and I mean it!" I said. He just looked down and I said, "Look at me Nathan." He looked up and was scared out of his mind. I said, "Go to your Damn room Nathan. Now!" he got up slowly and walked to his room. When he got up there he closed the door and brought up the latter. I feel like an awful person, but still it is his punishment, he is grounded till who knows when. No going out with friends. Just School, work and home.

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