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It's been at least three weeks since I was at my mom's place. Prom is next week and I don't think I am going. Brandon never wants to hang out when I am allowed to. He always comes up with an excuse. "Hey Nate, wanna come Prom dress shopping with us?" Clare asked. I asked, "Who's going?" "Me, Jessamine, Maybell, Emily, Kendall and Eric." She said. I said, "Eric is coming too?" "Yeah he has a date and needs to get a tux. You coming to help us or not? I think Ava is coming too." Clare said as there was a knock on the front door and Eric shouted, "Clare, Ava is here are we going yet?" "Yeah I'll go." I said climbing down and following everyone out of the house. "So Nathan, are you excited for Prom?" Emily asked. I said, "I'm not going." "Why not?" Ava asked. I said, "Cause I haven't been asked yet." "Haven't you been hanging around Brandon all the time, and why don't you ask him?" Ava said. I said, "No and I'd get really nervous and probably pass out." "Why aren't you hanging around with Brandon?" May asked. I said, "He says he is busy every time I ask him." "I think I'll give him a piece of my mind later." Ava said. I rolled my eyes and sighed listening to the radio. Soon we arrived at the mall and we all headed in. I was walking next to Eric and I asked, "You asked Riley?" Eric nodded with a smile spreading across his face. "Awe." I cooed. Eric slightly pushed me to make me shut up before saying, "I'll tell you later." I nodded as we got to the tux store. Eric wanted us to help him because it's his first relationship. He tried on three different tuxes and ended up with a white tux. It brought out his blue eyes and golden hair. Then we headed to a dress store for the girls. Kendall, Ava and Jessamine found dresses and were waiting for the others. Clare, Emily and Maybell wanted me to help them pick out some dresses. I found one for May that was absolutely gorgeous, I handed it to her and I had picked out multiple ones for Clare and Emily. They tried on dresses and May went with the one I picked, she adored it. Clare and Emily tried on about five dresses before deciding on one. Jessamine tried on three and picked a purple dress. Kendall ended up getting a pink dress (no surprise) and Ava had tried on ten dresses and ended up with a white dress that made her hair stand out I loved it. I was also a bit revealing and I had a thought that Amanda might get some on Prom night, but who knows. We left the store and I asked, "Can we got to Hot Topic?" "Sure thing." Eric said and we headed there. I looked around and someone came up to me, "Hey do you know where I can find band t-shirts?" "In the back on the left." I said. The person nodded and left. One of the workers then came up to me and asked, "How would you like to work here?" "I think it'd be awesome." I said. The worker had me sign some papers and I get to start working tomorrow. I can't wait. We then left and Eric asked, "Where did you go?" "I got a job." I said shrugging. Clare asked, "What do you mean?" "I mean I get to work at Hot Topic now." I said. Ava said, "That is awesome and you can let me know about the new merch they get." I laughed nodding. We headed home and Ava went home. Once we got home I went into my room and collapsed on my bed. Ava probably is going to give Brandon hell about not hanging out with me.

There was a knock on my door and I opened it revealing Ava. "You are such a jerk. You aren't even busy. You better not be cheating on my best friend boy." Ava started rampaging. I said, "Ava. Calm down." She took a deep breath then glared at me. I asked, "Why are you here?" "Because you never hang out with Nathan. He says whenever he asks you, you say you are busy. Now Nathan isn't even going to go to Prom and doesn't seem excited about it when he talks about it. What do you say about that?" Ava said. I said, "I say that I am busy to Nathan, because I am working on a surprise for him. I am going to ask him to Prom tomorrow. I just had to set everything up for it. So stop jumping to conclusions Ava." She huffed in annoyance before leaving. That was weird.

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