Chapter 56

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I read the text over Clare's shoulder and thought about where he could be. "Holy shit is mom kidnapped him." I said out loud. Clare asked, "Are you sure." "Yes, I mean it is closer to Prom and his mom doesn't want him to be away from her." I said. Clare said, "True, True." "We need to find him." I said. Clare said, "So you can ask him to prom." "Shut up." I muttered as we headed out in her car to Nathan's mom's house. When we got there, I knocked on the door. His mom opened it and asked, "What do you want?" "Is Nathan here?" I asked. She said, "My baby is only two how would he know how to talk and make friends with a 17 year old." "Nathan is here isn't he." Clare said. The women shook her head no and I asked, "Can we come in?" "By all means." She said stepping back from the door so Clare and I could come in.

I heard my mom talking to people down stairs. I was stuck in a damn crib. I mean I am small enough to fit in it, but I am too weak to get out of it. I haven't eaten anything in several days I guess. I don't really know, I lost count from all the beatings from my mom and Liam. I couldn't even shout out to whoever it was because I was gagged and if I made noise I'd be in trouble. I heard feet come by the door and it open letting in little light. "Nathan?" I heard Clare's soft voice. I rocked a little hoping to make a sound for her to hear. I ended up hitting my head on the side of the crib. I am such a clutz. It got Clare's attention though. She motioned for someone and in came.... Brandon, thank god. They walked into the room closing the door behind them and walked blindly through the room. My eyes adjust easily to the dark so I could see them. Clare ran into the crib and jolted it causing me to fall backwards onto the hard bottom. "I think he is here." Clare said. Brandon used his phone for light and came over to us. "Hey." He said. I looked up and slowly sat up. "Awe cute." Clare said. I shook my head no, at her. I am not cute. I am basically being raped in a onesie at times. Clare untied my gag and I let out a quick breath. "Come on get out of there. We gotta go." Brandon said. I muttered, "Easy for you to say, you working muscles." "What do you mean?" he asked. I said, "If I would've been able to get out of this damn crib, I would've done it already. I haven't eaten since she first kidnapped me. I don't have any like strength." Brandon handed Clare his phone leaned down and picked me up. "Holy Shit you are light. I mean you were light before, but you were light like a 17 year old who is 5'3"." He said. I said, "Told you." He set me down on my feet and helped me into a room where my clothes were at. They let me change and then I walked out with them. My mom was passed out on the couch and so we were able to get out safely. Yeah, that makes me happy. I really don't want to be around that Skank ever again.

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