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It's been 48 hours since Eric found out about me cutting again. He didn't tell anyone though and that made me happy. Shit at school got worse for me. Everybody hates me. The bullying stopped for Brandon, Riley, Ava and Amanda because people accepted them. Austin started spreading lies about me along with Liam and Emily's boyfriend Luke. Riley had to transfer schools because he got into a huge fight and caused a kid to go to the hospital. He was protecting me. But now he can't. My friends are only allowed to hang with me at lunch now. I'm still grounded and I hate it. I've started cutting deeper. I don't like it, but I can't stop. Since I stopped bawling up my emotions I on occasion punch holes in the walls at the abandon warehouse on 12th street. I go there now to think. It is secluded, abandon, and peaceful. I've been singing a song for the past several weeks. It's been stuck in my head because it is what I want to be. I want to have it. I want to have Amnesia because I have so much messed up shit in my life. I am actually at the warehouse right now. Momma is probably going to be mad at me more, but I need to be alone so I don't beat up the house. I wonder what's been going on with Eric and Riley because after work Eric doesn't go home. I think he meets up with Riley. I wonder what Momma will do about Eric and Riley. She'll probably allow it because he is of her blood and she likes Riley. Unlike how she hates Brandon and I together, I am not even of her blood. I keep thinking about going back to my mom's house. Is it worth it to be treated like a two year old and raped then to be grounded and have most of your family ignoring you. I mean Kendall is always with Jack, Emily is always with Luke, Clare is always with Jonathon, Ava and Amanda (sometimes Brandon too). Eric hangs out with Riley, May is with Max. Ella, Erica and Lindsey are always going to the beach after work. Jessamine hangs with Sarah and Julia at the mall picking out cute guys without me. Momma doesn't even talk to me. I have even stopped coming down for dinner and breakfast only eating lunch. I'm a total mess.

Nothing can break us apart (sequel to from prince to popper)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن