Part 6 ✧ The Moon Witch ✧ Chapter 11

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Silvia's POV

"...infra aperta..." open below.

Cleo and I made a silent decision to split left and right. To my relief, Onyx visibly and audibly snarled and set his focus on the fairy, eager to have her in chains before he focused on me.

Plus, I knew he wanted me to have a false sense of security. A false sense of being able to escape his demonic need to punish me for having my soul free of his blood curdling teeth and claws.

I hear Cleo's screams from a distance, screaming so shockingly I can only wonder what fate has befallen her. It makes my heart race even faster when the screams cease abruptly. I then feel heat pulse all around me from the soil, a red light lifting and flying all around me, gathering around my aura, making me glow like a beacon.

A curse has targeted me, I feel the heavy black magic clinging to me.

I may only have seconds before Onyx sprints to my location at lightning speed.

Thinking on my feet, I had skidded down into a dark valley in hell, where the mud was thick and I was knee deep in gore, clutching a bunch of pink flowers growing at the root of a dead tree.

They were the closest thing I had to feminine power.

When I bothered to listen, Chyronex and Selene were teaching me how to make new spells by connecting the right words to the right objects.

Flowers opened.

So I try to persuade the pink petals to release their magic to me.

"...infra aperta..." I say it again, but I'm so worried of speaking above a whisper, nothing happens. I had to embody it. I had to say the spell louder. Since I already had a red light emanating from me, hiding was no use anymore. When I look over my shoulder, I don't see anything in the dead tree line, but I feel Onyx and his pack about to close in on me any second.

My time is up.

I have one more chance to make my magic work down here.

I breathe in and close my eyes, I picture the moon above, and I ask for a portal to another hell beyond hell, "Infra aperta... verto!"

I change the spell in order to deal, to swap favours with another entity willing to listen to the distressed Moon Witch on the other side.

I don't open my eyes, but my altered spell finally takes hold.

I smell the flowers burning as my call is answered... claws swipe through my hair, moments before Onyx could catch me, I start to sink.


I don't know where I'll end up.

I half-expected to meet Anubis, but I knew he would betray me for Onyx, as they were one and the same. So, he wasn't the best saviour. He was also rather mean spirited unless he was dealing with his favoured fairy.

So I hoped maybe there was one other place I had not visited.

Somewhere close by, one door away from reality, easy to escape, easy to navigate.

Even if it was werewolves or a fellow witch or a little fairy, or another demon.

Anyone other than a demon-raging Onyx.

I have sunk down, only to feel my body moving horizontally, still covered in heavy liquid. I sit up, as if I'm in a bathtub.

I gasp as I take a breath and push the muck off my face.

When I open my eyes, I see I'm in an elongated cauldron of blood, and I look around a familiar club room.

The Crypt. Lucifer's club in Quindell City?

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