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"Grandma, Concubine Ma told someone to invite me here. She said that I must tell her if the soup I had drunk was delicious or not. She also said that she didn't want to let me be wronged and had to ask my opinion. I didn't want to come at first. But the older female servant who came to invite me just pestered me unceasingly. So I agreed to come here."

"I was caught up by something else on the way here. However, when I got here, I saw Concubine Ma sitting on the ground covered with blood. Now come to think about it, if I came earlier, I would be regarded as a malicious girl like what mother said for sure!" Ning Xueyan said that orderly with a smile.

Though she was stating the truth, she still managed to hide the fact that there had been a man in the room at that time.

Mixed feelings filled in Concubine Ma's heart at the moment, and she didn't know what to do next!

She never thought that Ning Xueyan would make no mention of that man as if she had never seen him. If Ning Zu'an knew about this, Concubine Ma would be doomed. Though Ning Zu'an favored her a lot, he still wouldn't tolerate this kind of thing. And her end would be miserable.

Thinking of this with fear, Concubine Ma couldn't help but rest her eyes on Ning Xueyan. She didn't know why Ning Xueyan had helped her to cover this up!

Then she suddenly looked right into Ning Xueyan's dark jade-like eyes intentionally. That girl was even smiling to her, which made Concubine Ma's heart tremble. She lowered her head subconsciously, not daring to look right into Ning Xueyan's eyes. Now she only felt the skinny girl in front of her was so unfathomable. Without the protection of her mom, Ning Xueyan still managed to fight Madam Ling. What a tough girl!

Since things had already come to this point, Concubine Ma was totally helpless now.

She wondered if she should keep framing Ning Xueyan with Madam Ling...

As they were talking, a doctor over his fifties showed up at the door with a medical kit. It was clear to see that he was not an ordinary doctor.

"Wait, you are not the doctor from our manor." Madam Ling reacted fast this time and held the doctor back.

Although she didn't know where this doctor came from, she was still aware that she couldn't let anyone find out about the false pregnancy of Concubine Ma, let alone the real effect of the drug. Therefore, she didn't care about the fact that she had already failed to set Ning Xueyan up. The more important thing for her was to prevent people from knowing that Concubine Ma had not been pregnant at all.

Since she had failed this time, she would still come up with something new. "I will destroy you, you little b*tch!" Madam Ling thought that.

"What, you don't want me to see the patient?" The doctor snorted while raised his head to glared at Madam Ling's hands, saying that in anger.


"First Madam, just let him check on Concubine Ma. When I looked for the doctors in our manors, they were all rushing toward the place where Eldest Young Lady stayed. They said that Eldest Young Lady also didn't feel well. When I was in anxiety, someone told me that this doctor was very skillful. So I invited him here specially." Qingyu showed up from the doctor's back and explained fretfully.

"You stupid maid. How dare you invite this quack into our family! You think you could take the responsibility if anything happens?" Under no circumstance would Madam Ling let the doctor pass. So she didn't let go of her hands which were holding the door while curing Qingyu with her eyebrows knitted.

"A quack?" The doctor roared that with an imposing manner on his face. Then he leered at Madam Ling and continued, "No one has ever called me that. I have even treated the emperor. Tell me why I can't treat a concubine in your manor and couldn't take the responsibility!"

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