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But it was too late when Ning Huaiyuan and Ao Mingyu thought of looking for Ning Lingyun and Ning Xueyan. They rushed to the gate and the doorman reported to them that the two young ladies had left. Ning Lingyun cried a lot while walking out, and she could not stop crying even after getting in the carriage with the help of her maid.

The others by her side persuaded her and the passers-by faintly heard that she was talking about something related to her third sister and Princely Heir of Commandery Prince Li. It seemed that the scandal could no longer be hidden.

As expected, Ning Lingyun’s crying on her way aroused many people’s attention. Some snoops even followed behind the carriage to the Lord Protector’s Manor, and they heard the conversation clearly when the maid was persuading Ning Lingyun in the carriage.

Therefore, before Ning Lingyun could step into the Lord Protector’s Manor, the rumors had spread, saying that Third Young Lady of the Lord Protector’s Manor seemed to have met Princely Heir of Commandery Prince Li privately and been caught by Princely Heir of Commandery Prince Li’s fiancée on spot. Fourth Young Lady had been so sad and she rushed out and returned to the Lord Protector’s Manor, crying a lot in the carriage on her way back.

Princely Heir of Commandery Prince Li had always been notorious. He had almost fought Grand Tutor Ya’s grandson for a prostitute recently, and this time, he even wanted to seduce Ning Qingshan! People were not surprised by this news, because as a playboy, he had done so many such kinds of things!

But he was so shameless to seduce his fiancée’s elder sister to the face of his fiancée! What a scum!

People were a little doubt that Ning Qingshan, the other heroine of the matter, would have willingly to have an affair with that playboy. Ning Qingshan had been enjoying such a good reputation and she had meditated at the nunnery for three years, so it was unlikely that she would have done such a thing. Maybe Fourth Young Lady had misunderstood her, but from Fourth Young Lady’s look, that did not seem to be the case.

What the hell had happened?

Maybe Third Young Lady was not that virtuous and she had been acting in front of people. The most filial and loyal woman in the country? Maybe it was all fake!

On second thought, they thought it might be true.

Ignoring the buzzing of people, Ning Lingyun ran into the manor tearfully. She headed for Madam Dowager’s Lucky Garden directly and rushed into the room. She knelt in front of Madam Dowager, propped her hands against the floor and began to weep aloud. Now she had to act following Ning Xueyan’s words.

Madam Dowager was drinking tea when she saw Ning Lingyun rushing in. She was so surprised that the tea cup almost slipped from her hands. “What’s wrong?” she asked unpleasantly with a darkened face, looking at Ning Lingyun’s tearful eyes.

Ning Xueyan rushed in with Xinmei as well, gasped. Before calming her panting, Ning Lingyun’s maid, Caiyun, had told Madam Dowager all in detail. She also specially mentioned that Third Prince’s face had been ashen when he saw what was happening.

Now everyone knew something big had happened. It was not only a matter of a few Young Ladies mocking each other, but related to Third Prince as well. At the sight of Third Prince’s bearing at that point, Caiyun could tell that things had been going worse. Now she had to stand on Ning Lingyun’s side. Otherwise, she might become a scapegoat. It was not a big deal to have a maid be a master’s scapegoat at wealthy families.


So she was deliberately partial to Ning Lingyun when she explained to Madam Dowager. According to her words, it seemed Ning Lingyun had been betrayed by both Ao Xian and Ning Qingshan. Meanwhile, she also mentioned that Third Prince was in the same boat as Ning Lingyun. If Madam Dowager wanted to blame Ning Lingyun, that meant she was unsatisfied with Third Prince.

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