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Ao Chenyi didn’t try to persuade her this time. This had bothered her for so long that she would continue to suffer for it if she didn’t cry it out now. He held her tighter and allowed her to wet the front of his robe. She didn’t brawl. All she did was close her eyes and let her tears stream down her face. When her tears finally dried, she sat quietly in Ao Chenyi’s embrace for a long time.

It was so quiet inside the room that she could finally calm down.

Her hands were being held so tightly in Ao Chenyi’s hand that she could feel the callus in his palm. He was Prince Yi, the late Emperor’s beloved prince who grew up to be the infamous Demon King. Those who mentioned his name would often be frightened and alarmed. Only she knew how difficult his life had been.

Ao Chenyi was still young when he drew his elder brother’s jealousy and suspicion. He was framed, imprisoned, and nearly died. His fiancee abandoned him at his lowest point, sought shelter with his elder brother, and became his elder brother’s consort. This was a humiliation no man could bear and yet he couldn’t say anything about it and sour his relationship with the Emperor.

The Emperor didn’t obey the late Emperor’s decree to make Ao Chenyi the Crown Prince. Not only that, he even made life difficult for Ao Chenyi at every turn and continued to send assassins after him. Ao Chenyi must have lived perilously under such circumstances. After all, the man who wanted his life occupied the highest position in the nation.

Even if the Emperor couldn’t do it publicly, he had many ways to kill Ao Chenyi in secret.

For many years, Ao Chenyi was forced to toe the line of balance between him and the Emperor and scheme in secret. He seemed glorious as Prince Yi, with influence and power at his disposal. In reality, one misstep could cost him his life.

Just as he took the throne, he had to work tirelessly to deal with Annan’s revolt. She could see how exhausted he was but even so, he would still take the time to visit her. She understood his love and also sensed his wholehearted protectiveness over her.

It wasn’t because she was his Empress or Princess Yi. It was simply because she was his wife.

She quietly wrapped her free hand around his waist. He had become thinner. All those political affairs and governmental work must have kept him busy.

“You must be tired. You can leave Prince Yi’s Manor and the imperial harem to me.” She didn’t want him to be so tired. Her heart ached for him. As his wife, she thought that she had the responsibility to put his backyard—or more precisely, the harem—in order so that he could focus on dealing with those who wanted to revive the previous dynasty.

Suddenly, Ao Chenyi chuckled. His unfathomable eyes became lit up with mischief as he lifted her chin and gently wiped the tears off her delicate face. “Yan’er, you’re mistaken. You’re the only one who lives in the imperial harem. There’s not much that you have to do.”

His eyes were unprecedentedly clear as he looked at her. Suddenly, mirth appeared in his pupils like the blooming of the most beautiful flower.

“You’re the only one who lives in the imperial harem?” Was she going to be the only resident in the imperial harem? Her long, curled lashes shuddered twice as she widened her eyes.

Did he mean that they would be loyal to each other for the rest of their lives? What a wonderful idea! Yet, she didn’t dare to dream it. It was amazing enough that she had his heart…

“But, the ministers will criticize you for it!” It wasn’t until these words burst out of her mouth that she realized how much she wished for it. Her desire even overwhelmed her reason. She blushed and lowered her head. Be it the previous or the current dynasty, all Emperors had their harem of imperial consorts and concubines. The Emperor of the previous dynasty was said to be deeply in love with his Empress but he still had many low-ranking imperial concubines.

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