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Thinking of this, Mother Han was a bit angry. She had agreed to send some people for the Young Lady to choose from, but a few good ones had been sent to the Foggy Courtyard. What’s more, among the remaining people, some were sent to Junior Concubine Xu. However, she managed to send her sick sister to the Bright Frost Garden, using another method.

Initially, only a few people were selected for Bright Frost Garden. With the addition of a sick person, they were even more shorthanded. So, they were unable to finish their tasks.

Ning Xueyan’s face changed slightly when she saw the maid sent to her, and who was later sent to Foggy Courtyard. This matter not only revealed Ning Qingshan’s plot against her, but also the extent of Ning Qingshan’s power. When Ning Qingshan was still in the nunnery, her trusted subordinate had been sent in.

How could she have done it so discreetly? What kind of person was Ning Qingshan? And what was the relationship between her and Senior Grand Tutor Ya? Were the maids at the gate of the manor and the ambitious maids in the study sent by Grand Tutor Ya? What did Grand Tutor Ya want to do? Or did Grand Tutor Ya know that Ning Zu’an had a military medallion from the previous dynasty?

Since it was the military medallion from the previous dynasty, it was undoubtedly of no use. Why would so many people keep it in mind?

Both Ao Chenyi and Grand Tutor Ya were fighting for this military medallion. Since everyone knew that Ning Zu’an had this military medallion, how could he keep it safe? Although he had some power, Grand Tutor Ya was superior to him, not to mention Ao Chenyi. How could they not force Ning Zu’an to take it out?

However, both of them were acting very furtively. What was the meaning of this military talisman?

“Young Lady, Young Lady…” Hearing Lanning’s voice, Ning Xueyan roused herself from her reverie. She reached out and touched her eyebrows. Her dark jade-like eyes were dark and deep.

“Lanning, was Qing’er ill the day before yesterday? Go and see her later. Maybe she will check out this group of maids in the manor. Reveal the inside story to her.”

She would cope with any difficulties in a tactful manner. Since Ning Qingshan wanted to take advantage of the maids sent to the manor, she had to be prepared. No matter where Ning Qingshan had come from, she would not let her go, because she had murdered Madam Ming viciously, and framed her for abusing her.

In Ning Zu’an’s study, he paced about in frustration. After thinking for a while, he strode out.

A young male servant trotted behind him and asked, “Marquis, where are you going?”

“I am going to the Lucky Garden!” Ning Zu’an said coldly. This time, he was full of doubts about Ning Qingshan. He was not sure about Ning Qingshan’s pearl flower, so he asked the servant to pick the crushed pearl flower up, and put it in a small box, ready to show it to Madam Dowager.

Although the pearl flower had lost its shape, and even the winter jasmine on it had rotted, it still had the form of a pearl flower. If he could not figure it out, Ning Zu’an could not calm down. He felt as if there was a vague feeling of great danger, like someone was watching in the dark.


If Ning Qingshan’s actions were questionable, then the person who sent her to him, would also be under suspicion. He had deliberately sent Ning Qingshan to himself. Was there something that he was not aware of?

Everyone knew that Prince Yi was the most influential person in the court. However, the emperor thought otherwise. He was loyal to the emperor, so he wholeheartedly followed the emperor’s will. He wanted to find a backer for his son. Recently, he thought that everything would go well. If his two daughters were sent to the two manors respectively, he would have nothing more to worry about.

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