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When Ning Xueyan regained unconsciousness, all she could feel was pain all over her body. She touched the back of her head, unable to recognize where she was at the moment. She seemed to be inside an old firewood shed with some firewood scattered on the floor. Underneath her was a large piece of firewood, so the surface was still fairly soft. She sat up and saw that she was all alone.

The first impression the place gave her was that of an old firewood shed but the second, however, was a jail. It was a small room, with a tiny window high above. The whole place looked gloomy.

Hearing the noise from inside the shed, two repulsive-looking burly men opened the door and walked in. “Hey, you woke up?” they said, looking at the woman sitting on the pile of firewood. It was apparent from their appearance that they were no gentleman.

Ning Xueyan’s gleaming eyes blinked as she asked calmly, “Who are you two?” The lady who attacked her was skilled and followed her with a clear goal in mind. This was likely a premeditated attack, and naturally, not one that these two burly men that she didn’t even know could plan.

“This lady is a real beauty. Don’t care who we are. We’ll send you somewhere nice later. It’s a jackpot for a pretty lady like you.” One of the burly men laughed, his voice lecherous. He looked Ning Xueyan up and down with lust in his eyes.

“You’re sending me to someone? Who? Why don’t I help you out? Since you’re sending me to someone, you should find me a better family. That way, you’ll gain more benefit,” Ning Xueyan said calmly.

The men were stunned, having not expected a woman to remain so composed in such a situation. Then, their expression turned contemptuous.

“Ah, you’re the kind who wants power and wealth. But what a pity. Even if a woman like you enters a nobleman’s manor, you’ll still be a titleless concubine. When your master gets tired of playing with you, he’ll still send you away as a gift. Oh, but once your master is sick of you, you can have fun with us instead.”

One of the men continued to speak in a lecherous voice. He took two steps forward until he was next to Ning Xueyan and reached out to touch her face.

Ning Xueyan was alarmed but didn’t let it show. She sneered and slapped the man’s outreached hand away. Though there was a slight smile on her face, her expression was icy. “Aren’t you afraid I’d have you killed once I gain favor? Can you be sure that your master will be able to protect you?”

Her facial features were exquisite and her smile emphasized how beautiful she was. However, her eyes, as unfathomable as bottomless pools, were so cold that they could freeze anyone. They also made people afraid of ignoring her words.

“Tsk, who do you think you are? You’re just a plaything. So what if I play with you before sending you away? After all, a famous prostitute in the brothel can sleep with one man one night and still get hired the next!” the burly man said unhappily.

He reached out to grab Ning Xueyan.

“Stop. Don’t touch her for now.” The other man walked over with a gloomy expression and yanked the man squatting on the floor.

The man retorted nonchalantly, “She’s just a plaything. They said anything’s fine as long as we don’t kill her.”

“Have you forgotten what we said earlier?” the man behind him said coldly.

The man earlier seemed sheepish after getting chided. He glanced at Ning Xueyan’s beautiful face, feeling an itch in his heart. He had never seen a woman as beautiful as her. As that maid said, he wouldn’t be able to get this chance again.

“They wouldn’t know if neither of us speaks. It’s not like this woman would say it herself!” he mumbled in dissatisfaction.

“Aren’t you afraid that your master will come back and punish you for your disobedience?” a cold voice emerged.

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