Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker

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12:33 PM

146 Days to the Fall

Y/n Pov

Having made it to Ozpins office and explaining what had happened. We were deliberating on what should be done. Though it quickly devolved into me arguing at the stone wall that is Ozpin. A rather usual occurrence as of late. 

Y/n: Salems lackeys have been here for some time and are planning something. If there was ever a time for a intervention, it's now!

Ozpin: I understand your eagerness to act but any overt response will panic the people.

Y/n: Then help me track them down and send me! It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for the Red Hood to attack criminals-

Goodwitch: But it would be out of the ordinary for the Red Hood to be gone for a extended period of time. If you focus solely one criminal element, street level crimes will rise back up. 

Y/n: That or worse is going to happen regardless if Salem manages to pull the same shit she did in Atlas!

It was a infuriating argument because it was just going in circles. Between, Junior, Torchwich, and Ozpin, finding Cinder wouldn't be too hard. Problem being is Torchwick has been silent for some time, Junior cant find anything, and Ozpin refuses to act. This whole thing leaves us in a stalemate where I can't effectively track them nor do I have backing, which means I run the risk of Huntsman interference. Not Ozpins Huntsmen mind you.... The massive fuck off army of Atlesian knights and Huntsmen that are in the armada coming towards Vale. 

The moment I had noticed the large invasion force worth of ships, I dropped the argument. It seemed that we all had bigger problems at the moment. Ozpin and Goodwitch both took a look back, seeing the massive force outside. Ozpin and I stood from our seats and moved to join Goodwitch by the window. Despite how bad it was that Atlas was practically invading, it was a hell of a sight. 

I noticed a Atlesian Airship landing. Stepping out was Ironwood himself, with a contingent of two armed escorts as if he couldn't defend himself. I'm sure the political ramifications were worth that extra bit of security. I shook my head and looked back up to the fleet that was coming ever closer. 

Goodwitch: Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels....

Y/n: More like he loves showing off his work wherever he travels....

Ozpin: Running an  academy and a military makes him a very busy man.... But yes those are a bit of a eyesore....

Y/n: Just a bit?

The screen on Ozpins desk started to beep, a recent security measure since I had broken into his office just to prove a point. In his defense though, it wasn't easy by any means. Ozpin walked to his desk and pressed a button on the screen. 

Ozpin: Come in.

And in stepped Ironwood. This was the first time I had ever even laid eyes on the man and I already disliked him even more than before. The wanna-be general opened his arms with a broad smile on his face. It was easy to see it was forced. Did he not like Ozpin, or didn't trust him? If he didn't trust him, why would he work so closely with him. Sure I didn't trust Ozpin, but we had boundaries and a history. Being introduced as "Uncle Oz" held weight for him, so I knew that he wouldn't screw me over without it being an extreme situation. 

The Wilted Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें