Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of

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5:40 PM

145 Days to the Fall

Y/n Pov

Life.... Is pain.... Ruby and I were making our way back towards my safehouse near the square. It was still closer than any of the others so might as well just go back. I was more hobbling and limping thanks to both my legs and my now aching family jewels. That was a type of pain that I would rather have not experienced... Like ever....

Ruby: Are you sure your ok?

Y/n: I'm fine....

Ruby: Are you sure? Your not even walking straight....

Y/n: Look, I'm not about to give you a anatomy lesson but you kneed me somewhere really sensitive and it hurts like hell. Instead, why don't you tell me why your not with Weiss.

Ruby: Weiss and I ran into Penny at the Transmit Tower and she was acting weird, so I followed her instead.

Well that was rather straight forward. I expected a little more in the way of what Ruby typically gets into. Of course it ended in typical Rose family antics but it started out remarkably normal. To be honest, both Ruby and Weiss didn't need to be there together. Weiss was just making a call so really its more for morale support. Of course she might need help sorting through the files she gets, provided she gets them, that is. 

Y/n: Well, at least Weiss wasn't left on her own for something dangerous.

Ruby: What, are you worried about your girlfriend~

Y/n: Uh, well...

Ruby: It's just a call. How bad can it be?

Y/n: I don't know, but if it's her father then I can assume it'll be unpleasant.

Ruby: Is he really that bad?

Y/n: I've never actually met him, but he's certainly a piece of work. 

We made it to the square rather quickly since the presentation was over and the soldiers gone. Ruby was about to keep walking when I stepped into the apartment building. I looked behind me, seeing her hesitantly follow me. She was acting like she was trespassing. 

Y/n: I have a room here, you know.

Ruby: You do?

Y/n: Yeah, safehouse. I was working my way through the crowd to get here when I saw you and Penny running. 

Ruby: So that's why you were there. 

We walked up the stairs until we made it to the fourth floor. I took out my wallet and pulled out a small keyring. Most of the keys were fakes incase someone stole them, but a handful of them were real. I found the right key and opened the door. The place was bland, dusty, and smelled worse than the dumpster we hid in. Ruby almost gagged from the smell. I walked in and dropped my bag on the floor near the kitchen table. 

Ruby walked in and closed the door. She was having a fun time trying to stand the smell. The apartment was cheep and discreet so it was perfect. It didn't need to be comfortable, just functional. I started to pull my gear out of the bag and organizing it on the table. Ruby all but forgot the smell and rushed to the table. 

Ruby: Oooh! Your weapons are so awesome! 

Y/n: Their nothing special.

Ruby: Nothing special?! How are these nothing special?! Your sword is the sharpest I've ever seen, even sharper than Crescent Rose! Your guns are so shiny and well maintained and you have so many grenades! Your like a walking armory!

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