Thank you Wattapad....

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I would like to share a funny occurrence.... and by funny, I mean infuriating. This chapter is going to be a little late. For you see, I was about 2000 words in and Wattapad completely died on me. This was a normal thing but what wasn't normal was it deleting all the work I had put into the chapter. I'm not really that mad about it honestly, I wasn't happy with it so this was the push I needed to rewrite it. That being said, I don't appreciate losing a days worth of work.... Thank you all for reading and understanding and thank you Wattapad for teaching me to copy everything I write onto notepad or something as a back up....

In all seriousness though, I'm sorry for the delay. I just wanted to let you all know the situation. I'll get the next one out and delete this after its published.

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