Important Notice/updated

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Hey guys, I hope you are all doing well. I have some news for you all. Due to circumstances with my mothers health, she's about to have to get surgery, specifically a craniotomy. I will spare the details for whoever is interested in looking up what that is. I will continue to write through this but being as blunt as possible, things aren't looking too good. Hopefully things go well but if I drop off the platform for a bit, I wanted you all to know the circumstances. 

In short, I will continue working on it and I am not under any circumstances putting this on hold or abandoning it, but I might be absent for a extended period of time before the next chapter is up. Thank you all for reading and have a great rest of your day/night. 

Update-Surgery is in two weeks at minimum (Still not sure exactly) so I should have enough time to finish the volume so that I'm not leaving you guys hanging while I'm dealing with this. Thank you for your support and enjoy the story.

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