Chapter 16

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Rae and Ro didn't have school for a week because they were building a new classroom or something and they had already finished their homework so they were at leoneil's house hanging out and all Rae was thinking about was the conversation her and Matt had about the necklace Leo got her.

Heyyyy. Hi. Rae was smiling. Oooh you have a necklace? Yeah! I never seen you with it. Oh it's new. It's really pretty. Thank youuu. Who's it from? Um a friend. Are they cool? Yeah i haven't seen him in awhile and he cut ro's hair. Oh..his hair was really nice. I knowww! Thanks. What's his name? Ro's name? It's Roel. No I know that I mean the guy. Oh his name is leoneil but he goes by Leo. Oh nice. What is up with you two, you don't even know each other and you're jealous of each other it's weird. No I just didn't hear about him until now. Yeah for GOOD reason cause you're acting like a child, didn't you ever think there was another guy that there ever could be another guy?? I'm not trying to be rude but sit with that. Yeah and you can sit with me telling another girl she is beautiful. Okay Matt I don't care. I don't either. Okay. Yeah okay.

He sounds jealous. He is. I mean fair I'm OBVIOUSLY better. Rae rolled her eyes. I mean you're over here and not with him. Because me and Ro are out of school that's the only time I really see him you know. Oh cool. I'm not doing the weird that's cool shit it's annoying. Sissy cussed. Shut up Ro. Don't shoot the messenger. I'm gonna shoot you and you're name isn't the messenger it's Ro. Wow. Rae was playing with Leo's hand and he was looking at her. You're wearing the necklace. Haven't took it off except for like the shower. That's good. He smiled. What's the story? What story? The necklace's story. It was my mom's before she died and she gave it to me uh she believed that the world was half and half, sun and moon but not fully that every decision was half thought through and stuff it's hard to explain. No no I get it I think that way too. I guess I do too, she taught me to think that way if that makes sense. I forced myself to think that way that my dad hitting me was half of his good self and half of the drinking but it's just him being a bad guy. Mine too but he's actually bad without the alcohol it's so weird. That is weird. I miss my mom a lot. When did she die? Four years ago. How? Suicide. Oh God. Yeah. That's horrible. Yeah She uh took pills right in front of me but she took them like every few minutes into the time we were with each other and I had no idea but my dad wasn't there so it was kinda peaceful. That's still so horrible. It is. What's suicide? Ro asked cluelessly. It's when someone kills themselves like if you shot yourself a lot of people do it when they're really sad and have no one to express it to and if they do the person doesn't help entirely. So like if someone had depression? Exactly and that was eating them alive. That's really sad I'm sorry Leo. That's okay thank you so much guys. You're welcome. But that's why I gave you the necklace because you're not my sun and moon like I was hers. Rae smiled and looked at him. I am? You always will be. You're like that for me too. Rae is my sun and moon!!! Awww Ro thank you.

Hey Po. Hi kiddos. Po I made you a drawing! It was a drawing of the strawberry tree and all three of them sitting at it. I love it, thanks kid. You're welcome!!! Ro sat down and watched the tv. What's that? Po pointed at her necklace. Leo gave it to me. Oooh do you like it? I love it, it was very nice of him to give to me especially after weeks of not seeing each other and his mom uh died and it was hers so I really appreciate it. That's sweet of him if a guy gives you a necklace it means he loves you a lot but something will always hold him back the necklace gives you an answer for that sometimes if the guy can't. I never thought of it like that. That's the whole reason. That's beautiful. Yeah I had got Cassie this strawberry necklace after the army. Rae laughed knowing that cassie hated them. That's when we discovered the strawberry tree. That's so sweet. She wore it until she died. I'm gonna cry. It's okay to. Rae walked over and hugged Po. I love you. I love you too Kiddo. She smiled. Sissy I'm getting sleepy. Alright. Ro took off his shoes and got in the bed with Po. Comfy. Nice. I'll be back in a little guys. Alright don't be too long. I won't. Rae headed downstairs.

So now I'm jealous of him cause I asked questions?? Yep. He's a loser and I'm better than him. You're both losers and are in love with me. I'd kill him. Okay calm down tough guy. Rae and Matt were sitting on the couch in the hospital cafe. I'm gonna kill you because you've never had apple juice. I don't want it...Ever. You're so weird for that. You're so weird for drinking it. Fuck off. Rae cusses?! Shut up. Rae nudged him in the chest. Be nice to my body...maybe not me but my body. Fine. He smiled and looked at her. I never said it but I love your hair. Thanks! I wish it was a little longer I mean at least Ro can put his in a bun. Ro's a weirdo. Hey that's my brother! Kidding. Yeah sure. He laughed. I love your hair too it's so cute. Thanks love. Rae tried not to smile. Matt took a glance and tried not to smile either. Embarrassing enough ro's new haircut was inspiration from yours. OH WOW. Calm down. Nah I don't think I're clearly obsessed with me. Other way around lover. And if I am? It's not a bad thing. I know it's not. Oh really? Yes really. Hm. I'm obsessed with you Rae and I want you but I can wait. Stop kidding she said hitting his chest again but this time he grabbed her hand. I'm not.

The unloved heart of Rae WilsonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum