Chapter 28

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Rae and Ro were back home. I'm exhausted Ro. Me too sissy. They walked in and turned on the light. Po??? Hmm. Po slowly walked over. Oh hey guys it's been like three weeks. Sorry mom finally died. Ah got it. Mhm. It's like 1 am. Yeah we're fucking exhausted. Woah. Po laughed in shock. That's new. It isn't. Ro shook his head. Po laughed. Well I made strawberry jam and we have tons of food so don't stay up too long. We won't! That's a lie. It is sissy. Shh.

Hey loser. RAEEEEEEE! Matt ran over and picked her up and smiled. Where the hell you been loca? Ugh I HATE twilight. He put her down. Can you tell I missed you? Honestly no I think we have to do that again. Matt laughed and grabbed her hand. Let's sit. Sure. Just got back? Yep. I got back a week ago. Your dad? Dead. Your mom? Dead. Lovely. Yep. Matt hugged Rae. I don't wanna be here matt. Me neither Rae, it'll be okay. You smell nice. I always do. Rae pulled away. Ugh shut up. As long as it's you who makes me. Flirting hasn't stopped huh? What can I say, I missed you. Rae laughed. Matt grabbed Rae's hand and looked at her. I miss her. I miss my dad too. We gotta go in class. Yeah. We will always be each other's person. Yeah I believe that too.

It's was time to see raine, Nicole and the rest of the team. Rae sighed and walked into the gym. RAEEEE! Raine and Nicole ran over and group hugged her. We were so fucking depressed without you and our team sucks. I bet..I am pretty special. True! Nah Nicole I think she means. FUCK YOU RAINE! They all laughed. You girls coming? Yes coach!! Rae ran over. Coach I'm really sorry I didn't think it would be three weeks. Your mother is dead and people with dead moms deserve breaks not because their mom is dead but because they're also in high-school and on a shitty volleyball team. Rae dry chuckled. Welcome back Rae. Thanks! We missed you Rae!!! She rolled her eyes. HA!

Well that sucked. Yeah man your mom was so selfish to die and have you miss practice. I know right.. SO selfish. You don't mind the jokes? Nah. Coach was fucking rude about it. Kinda yeah. We are just happy you're back and really sorry about your mom. Yeah thanks. Hey Ro ro row your boat! Hiiii. How are you always in a good mood? I'm just a kid with some.....hope. Hope is a good way to look at it. I just cry myself to sleep and stalk my ex on insta. You can always do that too! But I'm not allowed to have social media. Not until you're fifteen!

Rae was sitting on leoneil's porch. She knocked. Yes? Hey. HIIIII! Mom is dead and I wanted to hang. Leo got quiet for a minute. Damn...want a burrito? Sure! Rae hopped up and followed him into the house. I love burritos you know they're really good, and authentic kinda like clothes like you NEED them like I always want to buy burritos and style it with different things and it's so good! Rae laughed and sat down as he headed over with the food. This looks amazing. Gonna eat it all? Oh fuck no definitely not gonna save the rest for Ro. That's nice, how is he? How are you? Still have hope. That's good. I slit my wrists when I was at the hospital. Rae I-. It's okay, you're the first person I told I just. Yeah. Everywhere he touched or hit me is where I cut and I was passed out for days and the day I wake up my mom is dead. Rae that's horrific, I'm not gonna ask if you're okay but how are you even managing? I just wake up and I see ro and if he's not there I might lose it, I might actually go insane, ro's is the light of my life I can't live without him..he's my hope and I can't breathe because he's five and I'm fifteen and we've lost so much but I look at him and I have hope because my mom didn't have that..he's the one that found me. Jesus. He still has hope he still sees god on his axis but I'm horrible for hiding what I feel because of something both my brothers allowed?! What happened?? What did they allow. dad raping me and my brother too and setting it up while they other listened and I I'm so hurt Leo..I don't feel like a good person, I'm not doing my mom justice. Stop, yes you are it's not even a question....your mom is so aware of your success and hurt that she took it upon herself to sit back and relax so that you could still talk to her even though she's gone, you're such like your mom it's not even funny and I didn't even meet her so wipe your face and get through it and have hope.....and eat your burrito. Rae laughed and nudged him. What?? It's good I swear. She took a bite. It is goodddd. Told ya.

Ro. Yes sissy? Before you go to sleep can we please talk? Sure. You can even time me. How long? You choose. Okay ummm ten minutes. Got it. Mhm. You can start now. Alright. Okay. You can start now. Ah right. Listen Ro since you were born I haven't really gotten a break and it's been exhausting and I'm not saying it's your fault I'm saying that abusive households take a toll on you and I probably would've jumped in front of a car if you weren't born but I haven't put into account how much you've gone through with finding me and losing mom too and the stuff with dad, I just wanna say that your problems aren't ignored they're just on hold but not anymore.....we're in this together. But we already are together sissy. Don't say it like that and I mean more together. This just got weird. Yeah it did. Ro snorted. I'm so sorry for everything you've lost and how much you've endure even after I've tried to help but you inspire me with your happiness and warm heart you're just like mom when it comes to that, I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with her. I'm sorry too Rae.. you don't deserve this either. He hugged her. I love you sissy. I love You Ro. She rubbed his back. Think it's been ten minutes. Me too. Ro pulled out the hug and laid his head on her lap. Goodnight Rae. Goodnight Ro. It'll be okay.

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