Chapter 25

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You're three months already. How's Rae? Still small. I see. Ramiro stop..please be disgusting AWAY from your sister who's literally THREE..months old. Ramiro laughed. Fine fine. Can I hold her? No. Mom come on. Raul fuck off. She said mockingly. She's the only girl in this family, she can't be scared so no you can't hold her until she's like three. That's so long she won't even need to be held. EXACTLY! She doesn't need to be held by anyone but her mother and when she's old enough she'll be strong enough to not need either of you. You know that's ridiculous. You know who your dad is? Raul got quiet. Okay cool.

Rae was now six months and she was holding onto graces finger. Yeah that's goodddd. Rae made a face. Maybe it's not good. Grace smirked. I'd give you steak but that's a HUGE violation to so many baby laws. Rae was babbling. You're the cutest. Hey mom. Hi boys. Raul kissed her cheek. Ramiro just stood there. Hey ma, can you get more capri suns? Sure but it'll be by Thursday the latest. That's fine. Raul grabbed the last one. Are there any more? Nope. Raul laughed. Asshole. That's clearly you Ramiro you just can't admit it. Damn moms cold. As cold as a capri sun. Raul laughed and headed upstairs. Wait Ramiro. What. Grace laughed. I want you out. What? Did my sentence get lost in translation? Get out of my house. I didn't do anything. You're the cause the MAIN reason I can't escape literally give him ideas on what to do to me and your brother. Jokes. Well what I'm suggesting for you to do right now ISN'T. Raul walked back down the stairs. What's going on? Oh I was just kicking your brother out. Mom slow down. No I want him OUT of my house. Why did it take so long then? Because I was being generous. You were never generous. I was MORE than generous and selfless to YOU okay? And Raul doesn't matter because he's grateful and respectful but you I want you out of the fucking house. Ramiro laughed. It'll only get worse but uh I'll go if that's what you want. SO GOO! Ramiro grabbed his stuff and walked out. Rae started crying. Raul grabbed her and started bouncing her on his side. Shhhh it's okay sis, it's fineee the mean one is gone, just me, you and ma. Grace sighed closing the door. Ma, what's wrong? EVERYTHING! Breathe ma. I can't! This house it's its. It's what mom? Deadly.

Rae was three now. I can't do it anymore mom. I can't do it either. Do what? The complaining for YEARS. Mom. What??? KILL HIM! Kill yourself! Fuck KILL ME! I can't take it anymore. I can't either. So Stab him in his sleep or do what you did when Ramiro turned two. I'm not strong. You are, come live with me. He's gonna find me. STOP! You're on your third kid grace and as supportive as I've been I'm tired, your dad is dead and you're close enough to it I have a casket for both of you, I hate seeing you hurt but you're staying and it's getting worse like how's your head? It's healing. It shouldn't have to heal in the first place and what about this sweet girl? She's only three and the ONLY girl of the family, she needs to be safe. Take her. What? Take her then...quality time and healthiness you know? For how long. Until she's four. Grace that's crazy. Is it? I can barely watch her anyways and I've had too many kids watch me get hit besides I think I might actually kill him if he does something to her. Good. Mom please. Of course I'll take her. Thank you. Always. I wish dad was here to save me. He knew you didn't need saving, you needed love and foundation and you got abuse and trauma and I think if he was alive that casket would be hot and ready for Rodrigo. It would be. Grace I'm sorry that I can't help you more. It's okay I got the boys. For how long? You're gonna get killed. He can try, I'm still here. What about the cops? Other women have it worst, I'll be fine. You're asking me to have YOUR daughter for a year. Yeah? Who else is gonna do it mom. Okay okay. Mhm. Graces mom stood up and kissed her cheek. I'll call you and you can come everyday and even stay if you want, always. I know mom. RAMIRO! RAULLL! Jesus grace. Grace shrugged as the boys ran down. What's up ma? Say bye to your sister. Night with gran? He said tickling Rae. More like a year. What?! Ramiro snickered. Rae is staying with mom until she's four. Mom that's so. It's what? Nothing. He said putting his hands in defense as she looked at him sternly. That's fucking stupid. Watch your mouth stupid. Sorry grandma. Good. Grace grabbed Rae and hugged her. I love you so so much Esperanza. She kissed her face and looked at her. You'll get it when you're older. Raul kissed her cheek and tickled her. Rae giggled. Bye sis. Ramiro just stood there with an annoyed expression. Say bye. Grace's mom greeted through her teeth nudging his chest. Bye. Graces mom grabbed him by his shirt and twisted it. This is embarrassing for YOU not me...say bye right. He kneeled down and hugged Rae. Bye Rae.

You're four now. Uh huh. Rae spoke out. Hi mommy. Hi baby. Rae reached out from graces mom arms into graces. I missed you sweetie. I missed you. How were you for grandma? Good! She's the devil. I know she's my daughter. They laughed together. Thanks for watching her for that long, I'm sorry. Grace said you can't escape him and I believe you. Right. Is that a black eye? Chic right. Don't joke. Mom it's fine. Your father has rolled in his grave. Well this is like his fourth time. Grace. Sorry. It's okay i started the joke. Well I gotta go. Be okay. What? okay honey. Yeah mom.

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