Nemesis P1

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I sat playing with my dollies building them a grand castle of blocks, the highest most beautiful and most detailed castle I had ever built, I was so proud of it playing with my dollies and having the princess meet her handsome princess,

"Ohh lord Appleton you are so distinguished, you will make the most perfect match for Princess Piewright" when suddenly the ground began to shake and quake the blocks beginning to shake and fall from the castle

"RAWWWWWWW!" He yelled as a huge dinosaur as big as the castle knocked into it sending the blocks flying across the playroom, he stomped through my blocks with his dinosaur completely obliterating everything in its wake

"NEWT!" I screamed, "You broke my castle!"

"You stole all the blocks! What else is my dinosaur meant to knock over!" He yelled back

"I was building it for my dollies! Now they have no castle to live in"

"Maybe my dinosaur should just eat your dollies," he says making his dinosaur bite at my dollies

So I screamed and shoved him off them which cause within seconds caused an all-out fight with hair pulling, screaming, biting, and all manner of viciousness until the daycare worker pulled us apart

"Newt! Y/n! What on earth is it now!" She asked

"He broke my castle!"

"She stole all the blocks!"

"Alright, alright time out stool both of you" she says forcing us to go and sit on the two little green stools in the corner there used to only be one but they had to introduce a second because of how much Newt and I argued. We got into a fight pretty much daily, we couldn't stand to be anywhere near one another frankly he was my nemesis and I was his if five-year-olds could have a nemesis that is.

"Poopy head"

"Booger butt"

"I know you are but what am I?"

"Takes one to know one"

"Enough both of you! Or no cookie at snack time" The daycare worker ordered from across the room

I sat doing my spelling work quietly grabbing each pretty pencil from my pencil case when I felt a bump on my head and seconds later a ball of paper came tumbling onto my desk, I sighed and put my hand up "Miss Pagie!"

"Yes y/n?"

"Newt's throwing things at me!" I said handing over the ball

"Oh for- Newt stop throwing things at y/n" she warned him as he only sat behind me

"Yes miss" he sighed

So I went back to my work until I felt another bump on my head and yet another ball of paper came this time with a drawing of poop on it "Miss Paige!"

"Yes y/n?"

"Newt's throwing things at me again!" I said handing over the ball "This one had a naughty drawing on it too"

She sighed "Newt stop throwing paper balls or I'm taking your notebook away"

"Yes miss" he sighed

So I went back to my work until I felt a kick on my plastic chair, then another, and another, and another "Miss Pagie!"

"Yes y/n?" she sighed

"Newt's Kicking my chair!"

"I am not!"

"Well, you're behind me!"

"Tattle tail!"

"So you were kicking me!"

The Maze Runner Imagines: Newt (Thomas Brodie Sangster) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now