Chapter seventy one

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Your pov:
He took a deep sniff of my hair as he nuzzled his head into my shoulder and I began to breathe heavily as I was panicked and absolutely terrified, gazing up at him with this terrified expression as I squirmed in his grip and he just held me close against him. I eventually shut my eyes as I awaited for the experience of death or some form of pain..or something to just happen! Yet nothing did as I was in his grip and he nuzzled his head into my shoulder once more as he sat down, making me sit with him as he rubbed his head against my shoulder and I squirmed about now in his grip, though it was futile with my struggles as he held me firmly in place against his lap and he leaned his head into my shoulder as he finally spoke up. "I'm sorry." Was all he said and I didn't reply as I stared at the floor and felt tears start to form and after a long period of silence once more, I finally spoke up after what felt like forever "I'm sorry too.." my voice was almost a whisper but was clearly heard as I was pulled into a even tighter hug and felt as though I almost couldn't breathe as he buried his head into my shoulder, nuzzling his head there as I slowly opened my eyes and gazed up at him with a nervous expression while he just continued to hold me close to him as he then slowly turned his head to the discarded animatronics on the floor. He let go of me and I would've gotten up as I approached them and began to repair, though I felt like I was forgetting about something when I quickly repaired toy Bonnie and it would've hit me when I was re-attaching toy chicas legs, I forgot to wind up the music box. I quickly got up to run over to the monitor but I felt like I was too late and almost was as I heard a loud grunt and foxy screaming aloud "FUCKING HELL WHAT IS THIS THING!?" I turn my head and I saw that thing..the puppet as I quickly grabbed it and began to wind it was on top of foxy as it glanced at me and then the music box, it would slowly walk off to god knows where as I finished winding up the music box and then quickly put it aside as I went over to toy chica, re-attaching her legs properly then walking over to foxy as I ask in a quiet voice "Are you alright?" He slowly gazed up at me and then nodded his head as he got up, then grabbed me as he pulled me into a hug..

The perverted player fox has a heart(remake foxy x reader  lemon)Where stories live. Discover now