My Favorite Media Picks - Detailed Feedback

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This feedback is for My Favorite Media Picks and TBBT: The Sequel Situation by fifipencil11. My Favorite Media Picks is just like the title; it is a book compiling the author's favorite things in media, such as songs, shows, books, etc. TBBT: The Sequel Situation is a light-hearted The Big Bang Theory fanfiction.


Detailed Feedback - My Favorite Media Picks

What Worked:

Since this is a review book of your own, I don't have too much to say about it, but I'll still share my thoughts.

For starters, I like the variety of media. You review YouTube channels, Wattpad books, TV shows, movies, mobile games, etc. You don't stick to just one thing, which is nice to see. I've been thinking of doing a review book, and honestly, this is inspiring me to go for it.

I also like how you give a small introduction to explain what the media is about. For example, the Passengers movie review chapter. You give a brief explanation about who the protagonists are (and their actors), the plot, the setting, etc. It's good to know what something is about before we read your review.

I like your review style too. You're very down-to-earth and I can tell you're genuinely passionate about what you're reviewing.

In general, I think this is a very cute review book that effectively shows your opinion without coming off as overbearing or like you're biased. You like what you like, you dislike what you dislike. It's simple and effective, and it's a good book for people looking for new media recommendations.


What Didn't Work:

I actually don't have much to say. It's meant to be an informal review book, and I'm not about to judge you for your opinions on media as long as your opinions are explained well, which they are.

I only have one thing that I found a bit hard to read, and it was the frequent use of all caps. It's informal so you can write however you want, but I found the all caps very hard to read. I find italics much easier to read, and they give just as much if not more emphasis to a word as all caps does.

It was even harder to read when certain words were bolded and put in all caps. But again, that's my personal preference and not me telling you to change it. It's an informal review book, so you can write it however you want, and I encourage you to do so. As a reader though, I thought I'd share what I didn't care for in the piece.

Otherwise, I had no issues with the review book.



- Lots of variety

- Good job introducing the media

- Cute, simple, and effective

- Consider using all caps less


Detailed Feedback - TBBT: The Sequel Situation

What Worked:

It was interesting to read this since it is quite literally the only book I've ever read on Wattpad that knows the difference between script and book format. You commit to the script format, and considering this is fanfic of a TV show, it makes sense. Most Wattpad authors will format the dialogue like a script, but the rest of the story is like a book and in past tense. Thank you for sticking to your guns instead of flip flopping between different structures.

Authors who use script format for books are a pet peeve of mine. For starters, if you're writing a book, you shouldn't be using script format. Secondly, scripts are in present tense, not past, so it's grammatically wrong. Authors always get this wrong.

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