Dark Forest - Detailed Feedback

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Dark Forest was written by kookus_kookies. It is a Jungkook x reader BTS fanfiction following a Y/n character who is desperate to keep her mother healthy. So desperate that she'll do anything if it means keeping her mother safe, including venturing out into a dark forest to meet with a mysterious figure named Jeon Jungkook.

Since you made a note about the beginning of the story, I will do my best to keep most of this review about the second half of the story instead of the first half. I will still include parts of the first half, but I will do my best to make sure this review is mostly the second half.


Detailed Feedback

What Worked:

I like the relationship between Y/n and her mother, it's very cute. The way Y/n would do anything for her is so pure and precious and I really liked seeing that relationship in this book! Seeing as there are a lot of serious topics covered in this novel, having the cuteness of Y/n and her mom was a nice touch.

The whole storyline feels a bit like Beauty and the Beast (in a good way). The whole mysterious man in the forest and the overall aesthetic of the book reminds me a bit of Beauty and the Beast, and I really liked having that mental image as I read. However, the story quickly takes many twists and turns that set it apart from other books, which made it super engaging since I was always left guessing where the narrative was going next.

I don't know how to describe it, but the entire book feels like it has a certain aesthetic that's similar to what I just mentioned: Beauty and the Beast. I really don't know how to describe it, I'm sorry, I hope I make a little sense at least. I just think the story has this atmosphere/feel to it that makes it hard to put down. The whole dark forest and the crazy stuff that happens gives the story the atmosphere I'm talking about. I really don't know how to describe it, it's like the story gives me this eerie, forest-y feeling while reading like Beauty and the Beast. I hope I made a little sense. Long story short: I like the vibe/feel/atmosphere/environment of the book.

The overall plot is engaging and has many many many whacky ideas/concepts that make it worth reading. I never knew what was going to happen next, which is a great thing to increase a reader's immersion in your story!

I think you don't give yourself enough credit because there were some moments in the beginning of the story where I was really hooked on the narrative and what was going on. For example, the opening of chapter 5 was really nicely done. I loved the opening of "Fear erupted in your body..." The verb "erupted" is so powerful and colorful.

The beginning of the story has many intense scenes and high stakes since we don't know what's going to happen. Learning about the Dark Forest and who Jungkook is was a very interesting hook that kept me engaged. Like I mentioned earlier, I like the relationship between Y/n and her mom, so I was genuinely cheering for Y/n to be safe, and she was in a lot of danger for the first part especially as she was learning about the world.

I like the interactions between the boys, they're very fun and remind me of their dynamic in real life. For example, chapter 17. Most of that chapter includes the boys poking fun at each other and I think it's pretty fun to read. That whole chapter was probably one of my favorites in the entire book since it was so entertaining and offered a lot of interesting conversations. I definitely laughed a couple times while reading it! It's rare for me to laugh while reading a story, which is why I bring that up.

While on the topic of the characters, Jungkook is someone who has a lot of emotions that are revealed more and more as the story goes on. He has a diverse range of emotions that help the reader understand who he is. For that reason, it's easier to connect and relate with him, and it also makes us want to see more of his character.

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