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Author's pov

It's normal morning in THEERAPANYAKUL MANSION but maybe not today.


I woke up feeling someone's stare on me.
"You know it's not good manners to stare at someone while they are asleep"- I said in my morning voice
"Hmm so that means I can't even stare at my own husband"- he replied playfully.
I chuckled and told him
"You have all the rights to do whatever you want to do with me."
He hummed and hugged me tightly keeping his head on my chest. It was a comfortable silence when I picked up my phone to check the emails when I saw a paper kept under my phone. I remember not keeping any paper under my phone yesterday.
"Po did you kept this paper under my phone "- I asked him
"No, I didn't kept any paper there"- he told me looking confused.
"Maybe you kept it. Open it and see what's inside it"- Porsche told me sitting up.

As I read the letter I was out of my room within a second running towards Khun's room. Porsche was shouting my name from behind but I was not in my mind to register anything.
"Khun open the fucking door right now"- I said as I banged his room's door.
"Kinn what the hell happened, why are you shouting Khun's name. You know na he won't wake up at this time it's still early."- Porsche said.
"BIG"- I shouted his name.
"Babe will you tell me what happened, why are you panicking so much"- Porsche asked me holding my face in his hands and make me look at him.
I showed him the letter which Khun left and broke down in his arms.

I was shocked to see what was written in the letter when Kinn hugged me breaking down.

"Khun Kinn, Khun Porsche"- Big said bowing his head in front of us.
"Porsche, what happened"- Arm asked me as Pol was looking at me with the same question.
"Break the room's door"- I told them in a serious voice and they knew not to ask any questions and do what they are told to.
"I will be getting the room's key"- Arm said running towards the control room.

"Porsche, what happened. Why is Kinn crying and what is all this."- It was Time who asked. I didn't even notice when the whole family came here.
I didn't tell him anything just passed him the letter.
"Porsche what the hell is this"- Time asked me.
"What is in this fucking letter can anyone tell us."- Vegas asked being irritated. Time just passed him the latter and
I am sorry Kinn, but I have to do it because it's the only way left for me. I am leaving Theerapanyakul Mansion and won't come back. It's getting so hard for me to even breathe here. I can't live here anymore so I am leaving for good. Please don't try to find me because even if you did you won't be able to find out about me.


"Kinn, it must be one of his prank or something. You know how dramatic he can be just to make us worried."- Earth said knowing well that Khun can go overboard sometimes with his Pranks.
"I got the key"- Arm said and handed the key to Big.
As we entered the room we were frozen on our place. It was like no one has ever lived here. There was not even a single picture on the walls.
"Let's check his closet guys"- Earth said opening the closet door. But there was not even a single cloth.
"Guys you know him na he can move his whole room to any where just to make it real. Let's go and check other rooms."- Earth said hoping that it is not true. Kinn and Vegas were the first one to move out of the room shouting and checking every room.

Even after an hour no one is able to find Khun. Kinn and Vegas are loosing their cools and has already shoot two bodyguards.
We were in control room checking every footage when
"DAD"- we heard Ven and Pai shouting.
Pete and I ran behind Kinn and Vegas as they ran out of the control room.

They both were standing in front of us holding a letter.
"Dad, Pops is pranking us na. He didn't left us, he is hiding there. You guys are also helping him."- Ven said with teary eyes hoping it's not true.
"Please tell him to stop this all. I will never call him an old man. I promise Dadda, please....."- Pai said breaking down as Ven hugged him.

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