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Author's POV

Everyone was present at the backyard except for the kids.

"Fluke, I think kids need to be present here."- Tik said.
"Mew, Tinn, call them."- Fluke ordered.

"Dad, why did you called us, we were playing."- Becky said.
"Because you presence is Important for now love. Now keep quiet and sit with everyone else."- Fluke said calmly.
"We will Dad but tell them to not cross the line otherwise this time I won't miss the shot."- Bright warned everyone.

"Well Mr. Fluke, where is your husband. We haven't seen him since the morning."- Mr. Enzo asked.
"Or was it just a publicity stunt for claming your position as The Black Prince, but in actual your husband doesn't exist."- Mr. Enzo again said and he for sure regretted it as this time Becky shot his shoulder.
"Mr. Enzo we warned you to not cross your limit but you again did that, it is a second warning for you but there won't be any third time and the next time I will shoot you in your chest mind that. And if you are so curious about our Pa, then listen he is in Thailand right now he will be here in next half an hour and most important before you ask a stupid question and I lost my last piece of patience he has gone there because there was an emergency which directly involved his family and that is why he went there. So now do the necessary questions not the idiotic ones."- Becky said.
"Enzo I warned you already, can't you sit and listen to everyone else while they are doing the necessary procedure. Why do you have to open your mouth when you already know how much everyone is frustrated here because of you and your boss. Gulf take him to the medical room."- Fluke said.
"Becky and Bright, go to your rooms right now."- Fluke ordered both of them because he knew if they heard a single word against anyone they will surely kill the other person.
"Okay but Dad when Pa will arrive we are going to be here."- Becky said and left from there.
"Please proceed."- Fluke said.

"So Kinn can you explain what happened which lead to the abduction of Korn and later got him killed."- Mr. Anurak asked Kinn.
"Mr. Anurak, Korn kidnapped Tay for blackmailing us. He wanted his throne back and for me to divorce Porsche. He was blackmailing Time for last few years for the same thing. He was the one who killed my husband's parents and his own brother. He has done so many things against the council rules and was never questioned because Mr. Dante was helping him. We have few agreements and contracts as proofs. Mr. Dante and Korn were dealing with human trafficking and nuclear weapons which is totally against the rules of Council."- Kinn said showing them the proofs and everyone was shocked. Mr. Dante was looking pale as he was exposed.
"Mr. Dante you want to say something about these."- Mr. Anurak asked him.
"Anurak, this is not true and moreover the proofs can be made with the help of AI in today's world."- Mr. Dante said defending himself.
"You are right Mr. Dante that the contract can be made but AI can't copy your signatures and the special stemp which is only made for the council members and for every member it is unique. No one knows the design of it as it is carved by yourself only."- Vegas said making Mr. Dante defenceless.
"Kinn and Vegas both are right so now Mr. Dante let me tell you something the proofs are more then enough for me to fire you and later to get you killed for breaking the rules of the council."- Fluke said. Dante didn't have any way out of this.
"I don't care Fluke but according to the rules irrespective of the reason no one is allowed to kill the former Mafia King except for the council. So the whole Theerapanyakul clan needs to be executed in order to maintain the curriculum of Mafia Council. From the whole clan i remember that your whole family is not here. Where your crazy, idiotic and good for nothing brother, what was his name........ yeah Tankhun. Where is he?"- Mr. Dante said (well I already told you guys once an idiot, always an idiot )

"Dante, can't you understand a single thing. I am already tolerating you for your idiotic behaviour and don't forget that you are not more the council member so shut up and sit there silently."- Tik said being more irritated with Dante. He wanted to kill him right there but there is a protocol for everything to do so.
"Well he didn't said anything wrong. Tankhun needs to be present here otherwise i will get him from his place."- Antonio said.

"No need for that Antonio. I am already in front of you."- Tankhun said entering the backyard like a King (well he is and moreover he owns this place).
Everyone was shocked to see Tankhun in Formal black tuxedo and he was looking so hot. Theerapanyakuls were speechless and a little bit emotional after seeing him after almost a month.
"What, shocked to see me here? Well good for you because everyone here is speaking more then necessary and questioning my family."- Tankhun said as he sat beside Fluke with the full authority and every guard present there bowed towards him making everyone shocked and speechless.
"Khun"- Kinn whispered.
"We can talk later but before that I need to finish this fucking game which was started by an idiot."- Tankhun said in the most dangerous way.
"I have a gift for you Dante. Wanna see what it is?"- Tankhun asked playfully.
"Wh..what is it?"- Dante asked sweating.
"Chris, can you please show us the gift."- Khun asked.
"Sure Boss."- Chris said before bowing down. Chris and Jeno went from there and after a minute they both entered with a person whose face was covered with a black cover.

"Chris can you please remove the cover and let Dante see who this person is. I hope you like it Dante."- Khun said smirking.

As Chris removed the cover everyone was shocked to see the person behind the cover. Theerapanyakuls were confused as to why he was here and in this condition. Beaten up from head to toe, hands tied and mouth tied with a cloth preventing him from speaking.

"Why are you shivering Dante? Didn't you liked your gift? Chris I think he didn't liked it, now what should we do. I got it for him with so much love."- Tankhun asked Chris being sad.
"King you can do whatever you want. You can kill both of them as Dante didn't liked it and this person over here is useless now."- Jeno said making Dante shiver more.


Guys can you all guess who this person can be.

Love you all so much ❤️❤️

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