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It's been two days since we arrived at the out house. Khun is quite okay but it will take time for him to be normal. Knowing someone is always behind your family and you are away from them, really has taken toll on him. Tomorrow is the diamond and weapon auction and Dad called me in the morning to tell me that Theerapanyakuls will be biding on the Diamond. He gave me the hint about the same incident happened there regarding the pictures but they were different from the ones which were sent to us. He said he will talk with us after the auction. I don't know what had happened there but it was really disturbing according to what Dad explained a little. I hope everything is fine over there otherwise this whole thing is going to effect Khun really badly. Chris and Jeno has joined the Theerapanyakuls and already stated there investigation, I hope they find some lophole for us to get to the person who is framing Kinn and Vegas.
We will be leaving in 25 minutes to our Mansion as Khun was missing the kids, especially James. They both had gotten really close.
I am in the living room waiting for Khun to come so that we can leave and arrive there before dinner. I heard footsteps coming towards me and I turned only to find my husband looking as hot as always even in a simple sweatshirt and jeans.

"FLUKE"- he shouted standing in front of me making me come out of my thoughts.
"What were you thinking so deeply that you didn't even listen to me."- He asked glaring at me.
"I was thinking about My Tiger who look so beautiful always."- I said pulling him closer by his waist.
"Cheesy."- he said.
"Only for you love."- i said kissing his cheek.
"Shell we go?"- I asked.
"Of course we should. I am missing my babies."- he said

"Boss the car is ready."- Mike said as came inside.
"What about the security?"- I asked him.
"I checked every and we have 10 top line guards. Two will be with you in the car and others will be in the security cars."- He said. I nodded before taking Khun's hand and moving out of the house.

We were on our way back when Mike said something in the earpiece.
"Boss someone is following us. Shell we took the long rout from the highway or the short cut from the near Village."- Mike said.
"The long route Mike, they won't try to attack us on the highway in the daylight and I am not really in the mood of fighting. And tell our backup to take care of them, I want them in the basement before tomorrow morning. Can't take the risk to leave them."- Khun said before i could even order him and I know why he don't want to take the risk of leaving them.
"Roger that Captain."- Mike said making both of us giggle. He is the only one who can joke around us.
We reached home in 4 hours and I already got the message that the one who were following us are in the headquarter cell.

"Are they asleep?."- I asked as I saw Khun entering our room.
"Hmm..."- He replied before coming and hugging me.
"What happened Baby?"- I asked him.
"Having a bad feeling about tomorrow."- Khun said.
"It's okay love, you are just getting anxious."- I said.
"Maybe or maybe not."- Khun said pouting.
"Why are you pouting love?"- I asked him still hugging him.
"Thinking how will they react to our marriag."- he asked making me a little confuse.
"Are you planning something baby?"- i asked.
"Nope, just thinking."- he said smiling.
"I am sleepy, we have to leave for Vietnam tomorrow morning."- he said before pecking my lips and going towards our bed.
'Well he is weird today...sorry as always a little weird. Well can't do anything now coz he is my love, my husband and everything.' I thought before laying down beside him and hugging him.

With Theerapanyakuls


"Are you ready Tik?"- I asked him.
"I am. Have you talked with Fluke?"- he asked coming out from the washroom.
"Yes, he said they will be leaving in an hour and Khun will be staying in the hotel room. He will be watching the auction live."- I told him.
"What about Tinn?"- he asked me making me stop what I was doing.
"You are worried about him."- I asked as I grabbed his hand lightly.
"No one here knows about him but he knows everyone. Vegas and Macau doesn't even know that they have a step brother. Gun kept him hidden from Theerapanyakuls very well, even Korn didn't knew about him and the abuse he have gone through. When will this family have there happily ever after. Khun and Tinn both sacrificed a lot for there brothers."- he asked me hugging me lightly.
"I don't know Tik but I know for sure that both Khun and Tinn will make sure that there family live happily even without them. They both have endured so much for there brothers and may be they will reunite with them soon."- I told him.
"I hope Khun may reunite with the Theerapanyakuls along with Tinn after you talked with them."- he said.
"I hope so."- I muttered.

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