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We arrived in Taiwan an hour ago. Mew and Tang Yi are still trying to find any clue but till now we are still empty handed. Khun is not picking up any call and same goes with Chris and Jeno.

"Mew, I am going downstairs."- i told him and without any answer i left my office. As I came down I saw Vegas at the backyard. I was about to go there but then I remembered someone who is more suitable for now. I texted him and in a matter of minutes he came down.
"Fluke, what happened?"- he asked me standing beside me.
"Tinn, go and talk with Vegas."- I told him.
He was confused but without any delay he went towards the backyard.

Author's POV

"Vegas"- Tinn called him.
"What are you doing here?"- Tinn asked him again when he didn't get any reaction from Vegas.
"Why are you all so much concerned about Us. We don't even know any one of you?"- Vegas asked Tinn. Well he was confused as to why someone would go against the council for someone they don't even know.
"You will get your answers tomorrow. I know what you are thinking but just know that we have three people here for whom the whole Theerapanyakul clan matter the most."- Tinn said.
"And who the hell are they?"- Vegas asked being confused and irritated.
"Vegas listen, you will get every answer tomorrow and now please sleep for sometime."- Tinn said with the sweetest tone. Vegas felt a warmness in his heart when Tinn ruffled his hairs. Well Vegas didn't like it if any stranger touch him but with Tinn, he somehow felt safe. He was confused as what he was feeling, the feeling of being loved by any stranger was foreign to him but this stranger didn't felt like a stranger to him. Vegas left from there making Tinn smile a little at his confused face. Tinn also left from there going towards his room. Everyone in the house is tensed. No one knows what will happen in the morning. Fluke was tensed for Khun as well as the whole Theerapanyakul clan. Bright and Becky haven't left Ven and Pai for a single second.

In The Morning

The environment in the house was gloomy and tensed. No one was ready to have breakfast but after listening a handful from Tik and Gulf everyone had there breakfast.
Someone entered the dining area and was not happy seeing the situation.
"Fluke, how can you treat them like your guests? They are the culprits."- Mr. Dante said without thinking about the consequences.
"Mr. Dante let me tell you again that no one is allowed in the dining area of my house except I called that person and as much as I remember I didn't have permission for you to enter my dining area and that also without knocking. It would be better for you to wait in the living room."- Fluke said calmly. Well he could have shot him without any second thought but knowing the situation he didn't wanted to do that but as the saying goes once an idiot, always an idiot.
"Fluke, you can't treat the culprits like any of your guests. You could have locked them in the cell."- Mr. Dante said with the arrogance.

"Mr. Dante, I am tolerating you from yesterday. I didn't wanted to say anything because you are doing your work but now you are crossing your line. It has not been proved yet that they are the one who killed Korn. So please it's the last time I am requesting you to keep your mouth shut and leave from here. It's our dining area not a court room so please leave before i loose my cool."- Tul said in a warning tone.
"Tul you can't s---
Before Dante could say anything Bright shot his hand.
"How the hell you dare to shoot me you piece of--
"But he shoot me and you want me to stay silent."- Dante said groaning in pain.
"Everyone here is asking you to don't cross your limit and I already told you yesterday that don't you dare offend Bright and Becky they both are hot tempered. You crossed your line and here are the results. So again I am telling to you to leave from here otherwise this time it will be your head not your hand and the gun will be mine."- Fluke warned him and he left from there without saying anything.
"Gulf check his wound after finishing your food."- Fluke said.
"Before you say anything to us it was Pa's order to do that."- Bright said before I even could say anything to him.
"Your Pa told you to shoot someone if that person is not listening to you."- Fluke asked him.
"No, but specially if that person is anyone from the Italian Mafia or Mr. Dante."- Becky said making Fluke sigh in frustration.
"Ohh really.... By the way, who gave you the gun."- Fluke asked.
"Dad it's Pa's gun, not ours."- Becky replied casually.
"You and your Pa, why are you so much hot tempered."- Fluke asked them.
"Becky see who is talking. The person who shoot the person in front of him without any second thought without an inquiry."- Bright said.
"Guys, stop your bickering session, your everyday ritual is completed now please let everyone eat otherwise they will chock on there food."- Charn said.

After having breakfast everyone went towards the backyard as ordered by Fluke..........

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