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Vegas called Ven in his room after dinner. After dinner Ven informed Pai and Bright that His Dada has called him in his room and may be he will sleep with them today. As soon as he entered their room he noticed that along with Vegas, Peat was also present their.
"Dad, you called me?"- Ven asked him.
"Not him baby I called you."- Peat said picking Ven up and making him sit on his lap.
"Why?"- Ven asked.
"What do you mean by why? We want to spend some time with you, that's why?"- Vegas said.
"Dad! Pa! It's not that. I know you have something which is bothering you and you want to talk to me about that."- Ven said.
"You are right but before tell me what do you feel about having another person added in our life."- Vegas asked him.
"Dad, you know how much safe I felt around Uncle Tinn during last 3 days. And I know you both are talking about him and his family so I am really okay with this. He is your big brother and he have every right to stay with us. I don't have any problem with him or anyone else."- Ven said, amusing them.
"How do you know that we were going to ask you this?"- Peat asked him.
"Pa I think you forgot that I was also present during the investigation. And I know you both you guys won't take any decision without discussing it with me and Uncle Macau and Uncle Kinn. And may be I would have heard your talk with Uncle Kinn before coming here."- Ven said making both of them sigh.
"Thank you our miracle baby."- Vegas and Peat both said at the same time hugging Ven.
"Now how about spending your time with Babe as he is new here may be a friend will help him alot."- Vegas said.
"Dad we all are in his room only and I promise we will make sure he won't feel left out or uncomfortable."- Ven said as he kissed both his parents cheek and ran away from there.

"Don't you think he became mature really early."- Pete asked Vegas.
"He is, maybe it's in his nature or can say being the elder sibling it comes naturally."- Vegas said as he hugged Pete.
Both sat in silence for some time in each other's embrace.
"Do you really don't want to meet your mother?"- Pete asked him.
"Pete I haven't told anyone this yet, but I really hate her. She was the reason for Tinn and his mother's suffering, she was the reason Macau was depressed, she was the reason why Gun hated both of us, she was the reason why I was envious of Khun, Kinn and Kim. They atleast had their mother but we, we both were always left alone to deal with our traumas. Aunty Rose tried to help us both after my mother left us but she can't go against Korn. Aunty Rose got into an argument with Korn because she wanted to adopt both of us and knowing Korn's power she knew no one will question anything but when she tried to talk with Korn, he burned her hand in front of Khun and I. At that day I decided to stay away from her and Major family, but indirectly I hearted her the most. She even tried to talk to grandpa but he couldn't help her because he was no longer the head. Everything happened because of that lady. Then for getting attention from Gun I started doing what he wanted me, but he was never satisfied with the outcomes every time. It was always that lady, because of her everyone suffered. And the worst was Macau, he was so attached with her and when she left I almost lost him but Aunty Rose helped me in taking care of him even after facing Korn everyday. I hate her Peat, I really hate her."- Vegas said crying, remembering every moment of his life. Peat hugged him knowing words can't console his husband. After few minutes Vegas calmed down a bit, but he didn't broke the hug and neither Peat did.
"How about going on a long drive?"- Peat asked him.
"Ummm... Sure"- Vegas said knowing that he can't refuse to Peat. They informed Khun as well as Ven. But Ven refused to go with them saying he don't want to disturb their time with each other.

With Kinn and Porsche

Kinn entered his room after having a conversation with Fluke regarding the Kids Kamol rescued. He was about to call Porsche when he noticed a figure of leaning on the railing in the balcony.


I was in the balcony when I felt Kinn hugging me from behind.
"What are you thinking?"- He asked me.
"Nothing just how things turned out to be."- I said.
"But at the end everything is fine. Everyone is happy."- He said.
"I know everyone is happy. But I just can't come with the terms how everything turned out to be."- I told him as I turned around facing him.
"I know Love, but you need to stop overthinking. And for now just focus on your husband he needs your attention."- He said making me chuckle.
"Aww.... My big baby needs attention."- I asked.
"Yes..... Your big baby needs a lot of attention."- he replied in his husky tone kissing my forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and lastly lips....... (Imagination is free guys).

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