Ch. 4 Fear

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Sam POV:

Sam followed as Macy went up the stairs. She had felt some strong spirits up there and decided it would be best to try and talk to them. Sam was already super impressed with her skills as they already have seen a spirit appear in front of their eyes. Not only that but Macy was rather beautiful. Her eyes would shine in the light and her soft facial features would reflect the emotion she felt.

We are here for history and work Sam thought Not like she would be into me anyways...

"Sam? Hello?" Colby waved a hand in his face.

Sam blinked a couple times before responding, "What?"

"Were you listening to anything we just said?" Macy asked.

"Sorry.." Sam mumbled. "I zoned out."

"You're good!" Macy nudged him with a soft smile.

Colby laughed. "Or rather he was staring at Macy!"

Both Sam and Macy's cheeks tinged pink. "Was not!" Sam replied, flustered.

"Sure..!" Colby rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, guys." Macy interrupted the two boys. "Let's just get to the investigation."

"Okay." Sam stood up straight, taking out the rem pod, cat balls, and the flashlights.

"Here, I'll help." Macy said, grabbing a couple of the cat balls and a flashlight. Her and Sam's hand touched for a few seconds and they looked up at each other, their eyes meeting.

Sam cleared his throat, breaking the eyes contact.

"Okay lovebirds, let's get this thing going." Colby teased.

Sam was pretty sure his face was tinged pink as he clicked on the rem pod, it going off as he set it down in the middle of the floor.

"I say we do the Estes Method first." Macy suggested. "There are lots of spirits here, ready to talk."

"I vote Colby goes first." Sam said, gesturing his hand out toward Colby.

"Colby? You good with that?" Macy asked.

"Yeah, I guess. The upstairs has more kid energy though." Colby shrugged.

"I do see a couple kids, but there are plenty of adults too. And this one woman keeps following us... Kind of like she is protecting us." Macy glanced around.

Sam thought for a moment. "I think that is Abigail?" He guessed.

Macy nodded, smiling. "She seemed happy when you said that."

Colby got out the blindfold and headphones as Sam set up the radio. "Here." Sam handed the radio to Colby as he plugged the headphones in.

Mach dragged over a chair, placing it almost between the entrances of both rooms. "We can get the best of both rooms here" She shrugged, standing next to Sam.

"Alrighty." Sam set up the camera so it could see the three of them.

Colby slipped on the blindfold then placed the headphones on his ears, using his hands to hold both sides.

Sam stood shoulder to shoulder with Macy, their hands brushing each other's. They both looked at each other for a second before locking hands. Sam's heart rate sped up a tiny bit as he cleared throat, asking the first question.

"Who is here with us?" He asked

"Lots." Colby responded

"Okay, well can one of you speak to us?" Sam asked as Macy's grip on his hand tightened.

"No. Leave." Colby responded, one of his hands going to his forehead.

"Do you see anything?" Sam asked as she looked nervous.

"Yeah.. A bad spirit. He doesn't look very happy with us." Macy replied nervously.

"Any spirit in this room, you have no permission to touch us, or attach yourself to us. Is that clear?" Sam announced.

"No, leave or hurt." Colby replied.

"No, we only mean respect and we ask the same of you." Sam replied, giving Macy's hand a squeeze.

Suddenly Colby jumped and yelped, taking off the headphones and blind fold.

"Woah, woah! You good man?" Sam asked as him and Macy walked forward towards Colby.

"It just screamed and something scratched me." Colby said, holding the back of his arm out.

"Dang, that's a bad one.." Macy murmered, indicating the scratch, looking around anxiously. "Well there was some bad spirit that I saw, not sure if it was him though because he disappeared before Colby got scratched."

Colby grabbed the camera to show it the scratch as Sam and Macy stood up, their hands still together.

Colby then grabbed the camera. "So who's next." He asked, awfully calm for just being touched by a spirit. "Woah woah wait- were you guys holding hands the entire time?"

Sam and Macy both dropped each other's hands, their faces flushing red.

Colby shook his head, sighing. "And they still deny it!"

"Let's take a break, most of the spirits are scared right now, for some reason. I don't think we would get anything out of them." Macy shrugged, ignoring Colby's comment.

"Good idea." Sam said, going to head down the stairs.

The night had only just begun and Colby had alright gotten scratched, and they already saw a spirit. What was next?

(authors note): I hope y'all enjoyed the longer chapter. And who do you think? Macy x Sam or Colby x Macy?? I know it's mostly Sam x Macy right now but just wait for it!!

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