Ch. 65

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Macy's POV:

Third person

Nothing can explain how relieved Jake and Macy both were when Corey called them, updating them about Sam.

They were both processing his "death" , Jake still being in shock by the time Corey called.

Turns out Sam can't speak so they still have no idea what happened but Sam had gotten mad at Colby and had a little fight with him before he stormed out of the house and didn't call or text anyone for 3 hours and then called while screaming and stuff and barely was able to get them a location and when they finally were able to drive up to him he was screaming, coughing, covered in blood, and dying. So then they called an ambulance and he had passed out a few moments before they arrived and then they arrived and he had no pulse and they couldn't revive him so they brought him to the hospital and after 20 minutes were able to revive him and that's when they got called that he was alive.

Wow. What a night it had been for them.

Jake sat there, playing with her hair as they cuddled on the couch. It was around 2-3am in Florida and they both didn't feel like sleeping, so they decided to stay up and discuss what they were going to do today.

"We can go to the beach and relax?" Macy suggested. "That'll really take our mind off of things.

"Hm. Good idea." Jake shrugged. "Plus you get to wear a bikini so I'm not complaining." He smirked at her, his eyes teasing as his dimples showed when he smiled.

Macy gently hit him. "Jake!" She held back laughter.

"Ow! That hurt!" He whined, complaining.

"I didn't even hit you that hard." Macy rolled her eyes. Anyways, we can go to the beach. And I might not wear a bikini just to annoy you."

Jake looked down, pouting. "Awe.."

Macy rolled her eyes, attempting to get up but Jake's arms snaked around her waist and held her captive.

"Jakeee!" Macy complained, struggling more.

He smirked and when she made it to the edge of the couch, he let go, letting her tumble to the floor.

Jake held back laughter as Macy groaned, standing up. "I hate you." She said teasingly, poking him a few times.

"Love you too, babe." He grinned.

Macy shook her head, grabbing her phone then walking off .

She was sitting on her bed, scrolling on Instagram when a post about the conjuring house came up.

Cody and Satori; real or fake?

The headline read. Macy raised her eyebrows and clicked on it, getting led to a channel on youtube called Mythos Paranormal.

She took the time to watch the video, and by the end, she was shocked. Cody and Satori are fake.

Turns out Cody had been doing their "knocking method" without Satori for a while now.

Basically what he does is click the tendon in his ankle and calf in his legs, creating the knocking sound.

Mythos Paranormal shows in their video him moving or even "resetting" the tendon in his ankle.

It's noted that Cody does it better with his right leg too, so in every camera angle his right leg isn't facing the camera.

It was disgusting what they were doing. Tricking people like Sam and Colby into believing their relatives are speaking to them.

It was strange how much they knew about Sam and Colby's families in that case, and when Macy was there herself nothing noteably suspicious happened.

It was a shaky topic but overall the evidence against them overruled any other claims. For now, Macy would just be skeptical.

(A/N: Sorry for that weird section, I had found this out myself, and as a skeptic it's very disheartening to see people like them going off and faking paranormal stuff, overall I really think they are just dragging down the Paranormal community as a whole and really are throwing the people who are real like Sam and Colby under with them. Now this isn't an advocate to say Cody and Satori are fake but there is quite a bit of evidence against them and it isn't good. I'll leave a link and let y'all debate it there.)

(A/N: Anyways, back to the story.)

Macy checked the time. It was 4:37 am. Their sleep schedule was probably going to be screwed up for a while now.

She got up and went to the living room again, sitting down next to Jake, who was just sitting on the coach.

"When should we leave for the beach? It's at least an hour drive from the good one." Macy asked.

"I don't know. I mean we're already up so 7 could be good." Jake suggested, sitting up to look at Macy.

"Yeah, but then we'll catch the morning traffic. Especially Clearwater too." Macy shook her head, furrowing her brows.

"It'll be fine, we're leaving early enough." Jake said, placing an arm around her waist and pulling her in.

"True." Macy smiled, pressing against him. "Although we'll probably need a ton of sunscreen, Florida is no joke when it comes to sunburns."

"Alright." Jake shrugged.

Macy sighed and put her head back. Wow. It certainly had been a night. And now they are going to the beach.

She wondered what they were doing back in L.A. It sucked the day the two of them left something bad happened, and now instead of being on the semi-relaxing trip they had planned to be on, they were worrying about Sam and everybody in L.A.

"I feel so bad we aren't with all of them." Macy murmered.

Jake's eyes softened, instantly knowing what she was talking about. "None of us planned for anything to happen to Sam, or anyone in that matter. We can call them later and check up on him and make sure everything is okay. For now let's enjoy our vacation."

Macy paused. "Okay. But wait.. Do you think Sam.. Hurt himself..?" She asked tentatively, biting her lip.

Jake's eyes widened. "He wouldn't.. Would he?"

Macy frowned. "He has seemed off recently. His energy has been sluggish and stuff. Wait Jake- What if he's depressed and just didn't tell us?"

"I-I don't know.. We'll have to ask him later." Jake said, shaking his head.

"Fuck. I wish I could talk to him so badly." Macy groaned, rubbing her face.

Jake rubbed Macy's back. "Look, he's okay right now and we can talk to him when we're back. Trust me, even if he is depressed we can help him and he's in good hands, especially being at the hospital."

Macy sighed. "Okay.." She murmered, resting her head back down on Jake this time.

"I love you." Jake said firmly and sweetly.

"I love you too baby." Macy smiled.

Word count: 1167

(Author's note): Sorry for the bad uploading schedule, I'm having major writers block rn.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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