Ch. 24 Possessed

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Macy's POV:

First person

I watched as Sam crumpled to the floor, tears in my eyes. Colby was just as shocked. He lifted Sam onto one of the beds when I gave him the clear. The spirit was gone, and I made sure to make it clear that he can't and won't come back.

I sat next to Sam, holding one of his hands. He was pale and unconscious, his limbs tense as if he was on edge. I can't believe I didn't realize the spirit was following us. I felt like this was all my fault as none of this would have happened if I showed up. Sam was already in so much pain the first time this happened, and me and Colby didn't know what was happening till we heard Sam scream from the bedroom.

Colby walked into the room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey Macy, Seth and Corey are on their way. It's just.. Your flight back is tomorrow and there's no way Sam is going to be better by then." Colby explained softly, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I looked up at him, chewing on my lip. "There's no good solution.. Either all of us extend our stay here, I come to California, Sam comes to Florida with me, which won't make sense.. Staying here increases his risk of that thing coming back again.. And I'm afraid to have you guys go to California without someone able to see or sense the spirit.." I explained.

(Authors note: I know this doesn't make sense so leeemmeee explain. So basically they thought Sam was in the clear of being possessed again but they were wrong, so the spirit obviously now has an attachment to them so as long as Sam is in this weak state he can be possessed again and possibly be in danger of dying b/c of the pain or what the spirit does to him.)

Colby nodded understandingly. "Well Seth and Corey will be here soon and we can figure it out from there. We also have to worry about posting on our channels. I mean.. How do we explain that Sam was almost possessed twice to our viewers! And don't get me started on how insane they go every time we interact with a girl, let alone bring them back home!"

I shook my head. "I'm not worried about the fans, I'm worried about Sam." I said firmly.

Colby gave a soft smile as we heard a knock on the door. He went to open it as I gave a longing look to Sam. I couldn't even imagine the pain he would be in when he wakes up! I think the best thing to do is to keep him sleeping for as long as we can until we have to leave.

Seth and Corey rushed into the room after Colby briefly explained what happened.

"Oh my gosh-" Corey gasped as he saw Sam's pale figure. Red marks were forming at his neck and you could see dried blood at his lips.

Seth looked shocked and walked slowly over to Sam, placing a hand on the bed.

Corey looked at me and slowly gave me a hug, looking sympathetic.

I tried not to cry as I hugged him back but a few tears slipped down my cheeks.

When we pulled apart Colby had moved to Sam's left side as me and Corey were on the right, resting a knee on the bed with his other foot on the floor.

"So what's the plan?" Corey asked.

"So.. Basically Macy is thinking about coming back to Cali with us.." Colby started.

"Really? Why?" Seth asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Well if she leaves, then Sam is at risk of having that thing come back and none of us can see it or stuff. Plus I'm sure we can do some more collabs to post too." Colby shrugged.

Seth and Corey glanced at each other, nodding. I knew the plan didn't make much sense but Colby understood at least.

Word count: 703

(Author's note): I know it's super weird I'm just trynna find excuses for Macy to come home with them. Again FIRST STORY have sympathy 😭

Also I have a busy weekend ahead, im gonna try and get a few chapters today but I'm so sorry if I don't post!! I've been so busy and I feel like I could do the story so much better!! tysm for reading y'all

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