Ch. 39 Shock

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Sam's POV:

First person

It went silent for a second as I pulled back my fist as Macy slammed into the ground.

Shit shit shit shit shit fuck what did I do?! I thought, panicked.

Jake immediately checked on Macy, grabbing her and flipping her over to reveal blood coating the side of her head, tears coating her cheeks.

Elton and Colby had made it to us as I stood there, still shocked at what I did.

"Sam.." Elton started to say as he saw Macy groan and cling onto Jake tightly.

"I.." I struggled to say anything. I just fucked up. Badly.

Jake looked at me with the most deadly glare I've ever seen. "You fucked up, Golbach." He said as he lifted Macy up, walking down the hallway.

Devyn and Corey then appeared upstairs, gasping when they saw Jake, Macy and me.

I tried to follow Jake but Colby held me back. "Just.. You've done enough, Sam." He put a hand on my chest, his expression shocked and confused.

I sighed, pressing up against the wall, rubbing my sore fist. "God I'm a fucking idiot.." I chewed on my bottom lip as my voice hitched slightly.

Elton just walked away, looking unsure what to say. Colby leaned up against the wall next to me, looking at me.

"Sam.. You are angry.. And I get why and I'm really sorry, but you can't take that out on someone else, especially someone who's sorry for what they did to you and has moved on when you haven't." Colby explained as I sighed.

"I know, I'm so stupid.. I fucking punched her into a wall! Did you see the blood..?" My voice shook as I looked at my hands. What had I turned into?

"I'm sure you will be able to apologize." Colby looked at me softly. "Not sure about Jake though.. He looked madder than mad."

I groaned. "Great, I'm just pissing people off today. And punching people into walls. And getting punched for being an asshole. And being an asshole. And-"

"I get it, Sam. You messed up, and it's only important that you understand you did." Colby placed a hand on my shoulder as I rubbed my aching jaw.

Jake had done a good job. When I rubbed it, there was already a bump forming and I'm sure an ugly bruise over it.

I'm so fucking stupid.

Macy's POV:

I clung onto Jake as my head ached, tears rolling down my face as the world was blurry and bright. I was able to see a few figures run up behind him, but i groaned as I attempted to focus.

"Jake.." I said through my tears.

"Shh.." He said as he sat me down somewhere. I didn't bother to check.

"Get me a wet towel- and some ibuprofen." Jake said to someone but I didn't check who, as my splitting headache got worse.

"Jake..!" I said again, clinging onto his arms.

He shushed me again, placing something wet on the side of my head.

"Ow!" I yelped, pulling away as pain spiked through my head.

"Stay still, I know it'll hurt." Jake's voice said softly as I squeezed my eyes shut.

I felt his hand grab my chin gently, keeping my head in place. I flinched as the wet towel pressed against my head, sending a shockwave of pain into my headache.

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