Ch. 6 Spirit

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Macy's POV:

Colby stood right behind Macy, his sweet cologne scent was to die for. It made her want to lean in his chest and stay there forever.

Focus, Macy. Focus. She thought

"Who are we speaking to?" She asked after she cleared her throat.

"I'm. Here." Sam said.

Macy looked around and saw a spirit waving at them. It was a short spirit, a child.

"Oh. I see you!" She gasped.

All 3 of them looked at Macy when she pointed.

"Yes. Me." Sam said.

Colby rested a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"What are you here for?" Corey asked.

"Help. Needed." Sam said, confusion trailing in his tone, making it seem like it was more of a question.

"What do you need help with?" Colby asked from behind Macy. Though Colby was like a good 6 inches taller then her, as he's 5'11 and she is 5'5.

"Him." Sam said.

"Who's him?" Seth asked

"He attacks." Sam shook his head, putting his hands to his forehead. Macy felt his energy weaken and his emotion change. Something was draining his energy, and not in a good way.

Macy walked up to Sam and tapped his shoulder. "Sam?" she crouched down to look at him as he slowly took the headphones off. "You okay? You don't look to good..."

he shook his head, his face was a pale white and he was shaking. "No.." Sam mumbled.

Colby walked foward, putting a hand on his forehead. "He's like- freezing cold.." Colby said, shocked. Corey and Seth gathered around Sam too, concerned.

"Shit! Get him out of here- now!" She exclaimed as the child spirit they were talking to ran and hid.

Colby threw one of Sam's arms around his shoulder, Corey taking the other one. Macy and Seth followed behind them as they went down the stairs as fast as possible.

"What's going on??” Seth asked, scared.

"Something is here, something bad. It harmed both Sam and Colby at this point." Macy shuddered as Colby and Corey set Sam on the couch.

He sat up, rubbing his head. "Gosh... This sucks."

Macy walked up to him, standing next to Colby. "How are you feeling?" She asked, nervous for Sam.

"Tired, nauseous, dizzy.." Sam trailed off.

Macy was really worried. Things like this could end really badly. She also didn't know if all of this was her fault because of the spirits not liking her.

Colby grabbed her hand, moving her chin to face him with his other hand. "It's okay, he's going to be alright. It's not your fault." He seemed to read her mind.

Macy's cheeks flushed a gentle pink as she turned her head to gaze at Sam once again, her hand still locked with Colby's.

Corey came back with a glass of water and Sam downed it in a few seconds. This seemed to make him feel a bit better. Seth came forward with the camera, asking Sam a few questions on how he was feeling.

"I totally forgot we were filming.." Macy admitted.

"Yeah we really were focused on Sam at the moment." Colby gave her hand a squeeze.

Sam stood up, taking a deep breath. "I think I'm alright now..!"

"You sure? You don't have to continue if you don't feel like it." Macy put a hand on his arm.

"No, I'm good. Let's just avoid the thing that keeps hurting us." Sam replied firmly, his eyes narrowing as his gaze drifted to Macy and Colby's hands.

"Alright, I'll tell you if I see it again.." Macy nodded, dropping Colby's hand as she walked towards the kitchen, feeling a strong pull there.

The group followed her, Colby to her left and Sam to her right. She suddenly stopped as a particular spirit caught the corner her eye, resting on the doorframe to the library/study.

"What?" Sam asked, hovering over her.

"Something's here. I don't think it's evil, it's just.. Powerful." Macy muttered, taking a step towards it.

It hissed "Step back!"

"Holy shit!! I fucking heard that!" Colby excalimed.

Corey, Seth and Sam all nodded too, eyes wide.

"Well, better listen to it.." She muttered nervously, running her hands through her hair, her heart rate accelerating.

"Everything okay?" Colby asked, brushing by one of her shoulders.

She shook her head, placing her hands around the back of her neck. "It's trying to make me feel nervous. And it's working." She tried to take a deep breath but her heart rate was too fast and her thoughts were racing.

Sam grabbed her by the waist, pulling her to him. His eyes met directly where the spirit was, glaring. "You have no permission to mess with her physically or emotionally." He said firmly, his grip around Macy's waist tightening.

The spirit let out a low, growling sound and vanished, seeing how he was unwelcomed.

Macy looked up at Sam, her eyes meeting his.

(Authors note): This was genuinely so fun to write, trying to remember the details of the conjuring house is quite hard though. Hope you guys enjoyed the longer chapter again. ;)

Hush || Traphouse FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora