Ch. 48 Home

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Macy's POV:

First person

I smiled at Jake as he left the room. We sat down and prepared our flight to Florida. It would be in 3 days and I would only take a few things from my suitcase as I would be back in a few days anyways while Jake would pack a few outfits and the necessary toiletries and things.

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. A little more then 3 weeks ago I was in Florida, editing videos and planning more trips to do more readings for people.

Being at the traphouse made me kind of forget about my abilities. Yes I had seen a few shadows here and there but nothing like when I go out to places to do readings and such. It was a much needed break as my mental health had started to decline, being more connected to the afterlife then real live people.

I was about to take a break from social media when I got the invite from Sam and Colby and decided to give it a chance as it was soon and I would be able to rest afterwards.

Now I am here. Lots of drama has gone on since then, but now I'm moving in with a bunch of new friends, people who used to be my idols really.

I grew up watching all of them, especially Sam and Colby. I never thought I would have the chance to date Sam and kiss Colby, only to end up with Jake.

Now that I thought about it, that sounds really fucked up. I'm really glad we got that resolved because I probably wouldn't be moving in if that was the case.

I wanted to put the past beside me and focus on now. This was a huge change for not only me, but everyone in the traphouse too. A new YouTuber was moving in, adding to the chaos the house already had so much of.

I had a feeling that this was going to be a change for the better.

~time skip~

I woke up, squinting my eyes open as I checked the time. 10:47?? I guess I slept in slightly. I rubbed my head, feeling at the mostly-healed wound from a couple days ago. I pressed on it gently, satisfied as there was no spike of pain.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair back into a quick messy bun and I washed my face, brushing my teeth as well. I then changed into some short black shorts, keeping Jake's cologne scented hoodie on with a bra underneath.

When I opened my door, I yelped as I saw Sam standing right there, about to knock.

"Jesus fucking christ, Sam. You scared the shit outta me!" I gave him a playful shove.

"I could say the same for you!" He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I was gonna get you down for breakfast. We got Chick-fil-A breakfast."

"Oh- bet!" I smiled and passed him to walk down the hallway.

When I made it into the kitchen, there were 3 filled Chick-fil-A bags. Elton started taking everything out so I helped him. Mostly everyone was in the kitchen except Sam who was going around getting us, and Jake, who was probably still sleeping.

Devyn, Tara, Corey, Aaron, and Colby were all talking around the table when Elton started passing them their food. Finally Jake and Sam walked into the kitchen, Jake looking tired while Sam looked amused.

I walked up to Jake. "Morning!" I pecked his lips.

He grinned and put a hand on my lower back as we walked to grab our food. "Morning." Jake smiled.

I sat down at the table, Jake on my right with Elton on my left.

"Okay, I can't be the only one who saw Macy's insta post. She's moving in??" Aaron asked.

Everyone laughed as Aaron was the only one who hadn't discussed me moving in.

"What?!" Aaron gestured wildly. "Was I the only one who didnt know??"

Elton nodeed as he took a bite of his food, smiling.

"Come on!" Aaron whined as I giggled.

"We actually are going to Florida on Monday to get her stuff." Jake announced.

"Awesome! Should we make an announcement video or tiktok?" Tara suggested, shrugging as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

"Both?" Corey shrugged.

"Yeah, both." Devyn agreed, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"Alright." I smiled as I took a bite of my bread-nugget. (A/N: Ifykyk)

"When are y'all going to come back?" Colby asked me and Jake.

"Thursday." Jake and I answered at the same time.

"Okay. Are you gonna bring any furniture or..?" Elton asked, trailing off.

"No. I'm gonna leave the apartment furnished. I may make some money if someone buys it like that since I bought the furniture. I have to speak to my landlord about it first." I explained. I had already sent him an email about it and we were going to meet on Tuesday to discuss the situation.

"Alright, sounds good. I'll send you the info for bills once I have it sorted out. It shouldn't be that bad, everyone has an equal amount." Elton said to me.

I nodded as we all finished our food while chatting.

~time skip~

We had just finished making the explanation video and tiktok. Both of them were quick, the video longer than the tiktok.

I had uploaded the tiktok to my account and I was surprised it already had about 30k views when I only had posted it maybe 40 minutes ago. I checked the comments to see most of them were happy, but others were calling me a pick-me or a whore or saying I was deceiving everyone in the traphouse just so I could live with them and be popular.

I shrugged those comments off because I was interested in Jake and Jake only right now and I knew that everyone in the house was happy for me to move in and make content with them.

I also would start back up with my readings and probably head out to different places in L.A for different people. This was just a small break.

I was sitting on the couch, watching a funny netflix show called "Never Have I Ever." I had seen it go viral a few months ago but I just now got to watching it.

(A/N: The show is so good. Watch it. 👹)

I then heard somebody walking downstairs only to have Jake sit down next to me and wrap his arms around my shoulders.

"Hey baby." Jake said sweetly as I smiled.

"What's up?" I asked, pecking his cheek.

"Nothing. I just missed you." He said sadly, resting a head on my shoulder.

"Aww." I wrapped my arms around him, twisting to the side to do so. I was slightly confused since he'd never acted this way before but I'll take it.

I put my legs on his lap as his arm fell off my shoulders, his head remaining in place.

"I love you." He whispered quietly into my ear and I grabbed his hand, squeezing it.

"I love you too, baby." I murmered back.

Jake then pulled the recliner on the sofa with his arms, making me jump.

"Hey! I was comfy!" I poked him.

He gave me a mischievous grin as I adjusted, laying next to him. I was laying on my side slightly as my head rested on Jake's upper chest, his cheek pressed against it. His arms held my waist as my arms wrapped around his shoulders.

We laid there for a while, watching the show. Jake slowly dozed off, me yawning. I then fell asleep, listening to his slow breaths and his steady heartbeat.

Word count: 1358

(Author's note): Another chapter! 1.65k reads?? Tysm y'all I can't tell you how much that means to me. I thought this was going to be a flop but the fans have spoken! (that was so cringe I'm sorry. 💀) Also if you have any suggestions feel free to message me or comment!

Hush || Traphouse FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora