Ch. 36 Up

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Sam's POV:

Macy had probably been here for two weeks now.

The pain was almost gone for both of us and  we avoided the conversation of her leaving.

We had filmed a lot of videos, with a lot of questions on why Macy was still staying with us.

The three of us (Macy, Colby, Me) Had filmed a thorough explanation video and posted it along with the conjuring episode.

For the first time we had to put a trigger warning on the possession parts.

We didn't even watch those parts ourselves again..

We had Corey, Jake and Elton join us for the bit that explained what had happened here at the house and give their perspective on the whole situation.

Today I was just chilling on the couch, scrolling through comments on my phone when Macy and Colby approached me, looking strangely nervous.

"What's up?" I asked cautiously.

"We.. have something to tell you.." Colby started off nervously.

I tensed. "Go on..?"

"So.. At the conjuring house- I.." Colby stuttered.

"You what? What does this have to do with Macy?" I asked, sitting up straight, turning my phone off and setting it to the side.

"He kissed me, Sam.. Twice.." Macy said, looking at me with guilt in her eyes.

My eyes widened as anger built up in my core.

"You WHAT?!" I stood up, rage pulsing through my head, blinding me.

I knew this was a long time ago that this had happened, and I'm not sure what the situation was, but it cut deep. The words hurt more than any pain I had been in this week. I looked at Macy, with hurt and pain in my expression.

"We.. Are over.." I said, my voice cracking as I walked away.

"Wait! Sam.. No-" She reached out for me but I whipped around.

"No! Why would you hide this from me?! And Colby, My god damn best friend, Why??!" I yelled, tears brimming my eyes.

They both seemed speechless.

"Exactly." I muttered coldly, turning around and running up the stairs.

I slammed my room door, collapsing on my bed as I let tears fall out of my eyes. Macy betraying me felt like the world was ending. She was my rock, my soul, and damn was she fine..

I heard knocking at my door and I walked over to crack it open. I saw Elton standing there, concerned.

I walked back to my bed, letting Elton walk in. More tears rolled down my face as he sat next to me gently.

I curled my knees into my chest as Elton rubbed my back.

"What's going on?" He asked softly after a minute.

"I.. Macy cheated on me.." My voice was weak and tiny, the words painful to say.

"Oh.. With who??" Elton asked, genuinely surprised.

"C-.. Colby.." I stuttered as a new wave of sadness took over me.

Elton's eyes widened, shocked. "When..?" He pressed gently.

"At the conjuring house.." I took a shaky breath in between my sobs.

Elton didnt say anything, he just continued to rub my back and comfort me.

After about fifteen minutes later they heard a knock on the door. Elton opened it and narrowed his eyes as Macy walked in, her face puffy and her eyes red from crying.

"Sam.. Please let me explain.." She walked over to me as I looked up with a glare.

"No Macy. You've done enough." I say, my voice shaking.

"I love you, Sam.. Just hear me ou-" She started.

"No! Don't you get it Macy?! We are OVER!" I said roughly as tears slipped down my cheeks.

Macy stood there in shock, her bottom lip quivering.

"Okay.." She started to cry again. "I'll just ge-get my s-stuff." She stuttered as tears fell out of her eyes.

After she left, Elton walked up to me. "That was a bit rough, Sam.." He said gently.

"I.. I don't care. I thought I could trust her, she betrayed me.." I stuttered as more tears  fell down my cheeks.

"Okay.. Just don't say anything you regret, Sam." Elton said as he walked to my room door

I collapsed in my bed, letting sobs spill from me. It was all so painful.. Loosing someone I thought I could trust to tell me anything, someone I loved, someone I adored, someone I cared about.

I let those thoughts soothe me to sleep.

Macy's POV

Third person

Jake rubbed Macy's back as she sobbed on the guest room bed. She was devastated as Sam yelled at her to go away. She knew what she did was a bad decision, but it still hurt.

She hugged Jake, clinging onto him with every ounce of strength she had (which wasn't a lot in her situation)

After a while, she had calmed down and her sobs slowed to sniffles.

"I-I'm sorry Jake.. I just.." Her voice hitched as tears pressed against her throat again.

"Don't worry about it, Macy. I'm here for you.." Jake whispered in her ear as he rubbed her cheek slowly.

Jake scooched themselves up, making them comfortable.

Slowly they fell asleep, Macy still hugging tight on Jake.

Colby's POV:

Colby felt terrible for the state both Sam and Macy were in. He could hear loud sobs from upstairs as the two both cried. If only they knew how devastated each one was for each other.

Elton walked downstairs, walking up to me with a glare in his eyes.

"Really, dude? Of all the girls.. You could probably pull most of the girls you come across, but you have to fuck with Sam's.. What a friend, Cole." Elton said coldly, crossing his arms with a frown.

"I.. I didn't-" Colby started but Elton cut him off.

"Theres no excuses, they are both up there crying, because of who?" Elton paused, giving me another hard glare. "You."

Colby sunk into the couch he was sitting on, burying his head into his hands.

Why did he have to be such a jerk??


Word count: 1000 👌

(Author's note): I am so mean aren't I

Things will take a turn

be ready 👹

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