Ch. 55

42 1 0

Macy's POV:

Third person

By the time Macy and Jake had made it to the airport it was about 7:30. They had around 30 minutes to kill until they had to board their flight.

Jake parked the car in the area designated for long-term parking in the parking garage and turned the car off as he pressed the button to open up the trunk.

Macy placed her phone in her pocket before getting out of the car and stretching. Jake had walked over to the back of the car and had started taking their stuff out and setting it on the side.

As Macy walked over to help him, she couldn't help but notice that there was a strange guy sitting on the curb near the elevator, staring at her and Jake as they grabbed the last of their stuff out of the car.

She shook off the feeling, thinking she was just being paranoid as she grabbed the handle on her suitcase as Jake slung his backpack over her shoulder along with his suitcase rolling behind him as they walked.

Jake grabbed Macy's hand as they approached the elevator, giving it a squeeze as the random guy stood up and walked behind them. She glanced at Jake who pressed the up button on the elevator and they waited, the guy tapping his foot as he waited as well behind them.

The elevator dinged as they all walked inside, Macy and Jake going to the right side of the elevator as they rolled their luggage to their feet. Macy stood near the corner while Jake was nearest to the panel and clicked the button to go to the lobby. The other man standing rather close to Macy for such a big elevator.

It added to the suspicion Macy felt around him as the elevator slowly started moving.

"How long is the flight again?" Macy asked Jake to relieve some of the awkward silence.

"About 5 and a half hours." Jake recalled as he wrapped a hand around her waist.

"Really? I thought it would be longer." Macy said, slightly surprised.

"This flight goes without stopping, no connection flights." Jake explained.

"Ohh. That makes sense." Macy said, turning to the side and pecking his cheek. "Thanks for coming with me baby."

"Of course." Jake smiled, holding her tightly with his arm.

The other guy in the elevator looked at the two strangely as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, all three of them heading out.

Macy and Jake walked to the beginning of security, going through a handful of sensors and baggage checks. Once they got through the extensive process, Jake walked off to the main desk to check them in and check on their flight while Macy took both suitcases to the seating areas as she checked her phone.

They had around 16 minutes till' their flight was ready for boarding. Meanwhile, Macy stood against the chair, not feeling like sitting since they were probably going to be sitting down for a minute anyways.

She saw Jake still at the front desk as the suspicious man from earlier walked up to her, stopping around a foot away from her. Macy looked up from her phone and at him, scooting back slightly.

"May I help you?" She asked cautiously as he stared at her.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing with a no-good boyfriend like him?" He asked in a snarky tone, pointing to Jake as he spoke with the lady at the front desk.

"Excuse me? I mean, thank you but I don't need anyone telling me who to date, thank you very much." Macy responded, annoyed and slightly shocked at the man's rudeness upon greeting.

"You better watch your mouth! No woman should ever speak to a man this way." He paused as he rolled his eyes. "Besides, I'm sure I could treat you much better."

Macy scoffed. "What are we in? the 18th century?? In the most polite way possible just go away and quit bothering me." She huffed, angry now.

Apparently the man didn't like that, so he got up in her face and firmly gripped her left arm with one of his hands as he pointed roughly to her chest with his other. Macy yelped and flinched back, only to be yanked by the man so she would look him in the eyes.

"Do not touch me!” She gasped, struggling to pull away from the painful grip he had her in.

"I do not appreciate your attitude against me. Now either you listen or we do this the hard way!" He hissed in her face as she struggled more.

"Sir, I don't even know you! Please let go of me!" Macy cried, gaining the attention of multiple people including Jake who was now running over with an angry expression on his face.

Jake then grabbed the guy's arm, ripping him away from Macy as she stumbled away, holding her sore arm. "What the fuck do you think you are doing putting your hands on my girlfriend??" Jake hissed as the dude shoved his hands off of him.

The guy had a furious expression on his face. "Clearly your girlfriend doesn't deserve you, I'm clearly a much better suited boyfriend." He scoffed, crossing his arms as he tapped his foot, raising his chin smugly.

Jake's jaw dropped. "And what world are you living in?? It is 2023 my guy, get your shit together and leave us alone." He spat, turning to walk over to Macy and check on her when the guy shoved Jake.

"Shut up! You don't even know what you are talking about." He hissed as Jake whipped around.

"Can somebody like- kick this guy out or something?? I am not trying to fight right now." Jake said after taking a deep breath, motioning to the crowd and the security who had seemed to finally notice the issue.

A tall looking police officer walked over. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked calmly in a deep voice, sunglasses sitting on his face.

"This guy put his hands on my girlfriend over there so I stopped him and now he's trynna fight me." Jake summarized the situation as the angry man stood there.

"Is this true?" The police officer asked the man.

"I was only trying to talk to her when she was acting extremely disrespectful! I had to teach her a lesson." The man scoffed once again arrogantly.

Macy shook her head as she held her injured arm tightly. "He said that I should leave my boyfriend for him and when I said no he got mad and started making sexist comments." She explained, her voice shaking slightly as she glanced as the man's anger became worse by the second.

Jake walked over to Macy and put an arm around her shoulders, holding her tightly.

"Alright, I've heard enough. You sir either need to calm down and come with me or I will happily escort you out of the airport  along with a lifetime ban. What you did is technically considered assault and battery so do not resist over any instructions I give you or I will drive you to the police department myself. Got it?" The police officer said as he walked over to the angry man. "And to you two I apologize for the inconvenience. If you need any medical remedies, take this and show it to the front desk and they can get you something." He said as he held out a blue-green looking card that Jake leaned forwards and grabbed. "And will you be taking any legal action against him?"

"No, I don't think so." Jake shook his head after he glanced at Macy for a second.

"Alright. I apologize again and have a safe flight." The police officer offered a sympathetic smile as he held the man's wrists as he walked off with him, the small crowd that they had gained quickly dispersed as fast as they had gathered.

"What a way to start off the day." Jake said as they sat down, shaking his head slightly as he rubbed his forehead with his hand.

Word count: 1404

(Author's note): 3.19k reads!! Tysm y'all. Also I tried to make the situation as real as possible but personally I have never gone through that myself so it's kinda hard. Love u guys and I'm always open for suggestions!

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