Ch. 30 Uh oh..

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Colby's POV:

First person

Everyone was panicking as me and Jake tried to get Macy inside. Her body thrashed and smacked at us, her eyes darkening to a deep gray and her mouth hung open as she spasmed on the concrete.

How did this even happen?!? What even followed us home? Was it the thing that hurt Sam? Why wasn't Macy able to block it?

Jake was looking at me with a seriously scared expression. He probably had no idea what was going on since the only person I really talked to about the whole situation was Aaron, and I was planning on telling everyone else when we got inside, but clearly the afterlife had other plans for us.

Finally we were able to get a strong grip on Macy, my hands wrapped tightly around her waist and Jake hugging her flailing arms back with his hands, his upper arms pressing around her shoulders tightly.

We were able to get her inside, Devyn and Tara off to the side watching the whole horror show, and Elton and Corey were laying Sam on the couch.

Me and Jake did the same with Macy. She calmed down as she was laid next to Sam.

"Ok- what the actual fuck just happened?" Tara asked, her hands at her mouth and she looked pale.

"I.." I started as everyone looked at me with the same "this explanation better be good" look.

"Well spit it out Colby, we don't have all day!" Jake said, throwing his hands up.

"Calm down, this just happened to him too y'know." Corey said as he put a hand on Jake's shoulder.

Jake sighed. "Okay- just please, explain."

"So.. Basically while we were at the Conjuring House, Sam had gotten possessed by some evil spirit, and it happened again at the hotel we were staying at. That's why he collapsed in the first place because it had a really rough effect on him and he was and still is in a lot of pain, and Macy was going to come back with him to make sure he won't get possessed again, but... I'm assuming she just got possessed herself." I explained, running my hands through my hair as I tried to stay as calm as I could.

The silence was deafening as everyone gaped. Jake looked genuinely freaked out, Corey looked pitiful as he had been there for Sam's first possession, Elton looked oddly frustrated, but confusion lingered in his eyes. Both Tara and Devyn just looked scared, not knowing how to take the words.

"You guys are in some crazy deep shit right now-" Jake said, breaking the silence.

"I know.." I sighed, trying my best to stay calm. I had so many questions on how, when, what, and why this was happening. He also mainly just worried for Sam and Macy as they both were going to be in serious trouble. Sam seemed as if he was just exhausted from the pain he's in, but Macy may just be in the same situation Sam is in. I mean, Macy came back to California with them to help Sam, not get possessed herself. Now who knows when she will be able to leave, or if Sam or her will be okay leaving each other.

"Okay, what we can focus on now is trying to help them." Elton cleared his throat, interrupting my chain of thoughts.

I nodded, agreeing. "Sam just needs some rest, and so does Macy, but we have to be prepared when they wake up. It's not going to be pretty." I explained.

"How so?" Devyn asked.

"They're going to be in some pretty serious pain, so just prepare to be at their side, getting everything they need." I said as Jake walked over to Macy.

He pressed a hand on her pale forehead and gasped. "Oh god- she's freezing.."

Me and Corey glanced at each other. Sam was the same way at first.

"Cmon- let's just get them both in a bed." Elton said, approaching Macy.

I nodded as me and Jake walked up to Sam.

Elton was able to carry Macy bridal style upstairs while me and Jake struggled a bit more with Sam, trying to find a good position.

"What room?" Elton called from upstairs.

"Just put her in Sam's bed!" I called back.

"Both of em' are gonna be in here?" Elton yelled back.

"Yeah!" I answered as me and Jake started our way up the stairs with Sam.

"Oh- shit." I muttered. The house wasn't supposed to know about them being together (kind of). I hoped that no one noticed.

(A/N: The reason they didn't want them to know was in case it got to the public because they didn't know if it would last if yk what I mean.)

"Huh?” Jake asked, semi-out of breath.

"Nothing-" I huffed back.

After a minute we finally got to Sam's room. We gently laid him down next to Macy, making sure they both were in a comfortable position.

Elton stepped back, frowning slightly as he looked at the two. "This shit is crazy.. I mean I didn't know that stuff could get so bad."

"Me either.." I said quietly, leaning against the doorframe.

Tara walked up behind us. "I got them water for when they wake up.. They may appreciate that." She offered a half smile, still looking kind of shook.

"Thanks, Tara. Good idea." I nodded, grabbing the waters and placing them on the desk next to Sam's bed.

She nodded and walked off, me, Elton, and Jake trailing after her.

When we got downstairs, all 6 of us gathering at the island in the kitchen.

(A/N: Reggie was at a friend's and since Sam and Kat are ex's Kat moved out 😢)

"Well.. This was one hell of a night.." Jake sighed, looking tired and fear shadowed his expression.

Elton looked strangely calm. "I say we all go to sleep, they should be awake in the morning anyways."

"Oh.. I feel bad just leaving them without someone there, just in case something happens." Devyn said, wringing her fingers together.

"I'm sure they'll be alright, they will be sleeping. It'll probably be better for them to get the rest anyways." Corey explained, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

She smiled at Corey, leaning into him.

"Well.. I'm not gonna be able to sleep with a demon thing here." Jake joked, lightening the mood slightly.

I smiled as I started to walk off, heading to my room.

What a night it had been.

Word count: 1096

(Author's note): Sorry if it doesn't make sense for them being at the trap house and doing ghost stuff im trying 😭 its pretty hard to make them believe in the stuff without being shocked b/c half of them haven't gone ghost hunting or stuff with sam and colby so bear with me guys <3

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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