Ch. 17 The basement pt. 2

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Sam's POV:

Sam knew something was going on with Macy and Colby. They were both being quiet and awkward when some subjects came up. Sam wasn't going to press the subject while we were here but he'd probably ask Colby or Macy when they hung out at another time.

Anyways, Macy timidly stepped down the staircase, Sam's right behind her with his hand locked in with hers. Seth was behind Sam with Corey and Colby was last with the camera.

"Victoria's here." Macy said, grinning as Corey cheered and danced while going down the stairs.

When they made it to the bottom and flipped the switch to turn the lights on. The vibe was eerie and unsettling, like when something falls but nothing actually fell, or when something falls but you didn't touch it.

"Well.." Sam says to break the silence. "Let's get to it!"

They all grab different devices and scatter them along the basement. A few of them were already going off, the rem pod was going off apparently because of Victoria.

Corey had walked over to the rem pod and bowed in a fancy way as the lights on the rem pod blinked in a circle.

"Such a show off." Seth fake-scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Macy giggled at Corey. Sam smiled softly at Macy.

God.. Shes so beautiful! He thought while twisting his hands together. I always forget she can see more than us. The whole picture, almost..!

After a bit of messing around they decided to do the Estes method. They were debating who should go first when Corey offered.

"I'll go! Maybe Victoria would talk to me more about where she is from." Corey said, glancing at where Mach last said Victoria was.

"Perfect." Sam clapped his hands together as he handed Seth the camera.

They used one of the chairs from the table, turning it around and moving it against a wall.

"Before we start," Macy said, clearing her throat while walking over to Sam and grabbing his hand. "No spirits have any permission to mess with us negatively, follow us home, or harm us. Is that clear?"

One of the flashlights flickered and they looked at each other in shock but it slowly faded to confidence as the spirits knew that they weren't going to let them mess around with them.

Sam turned on the radio and plugged in the headphones, handing it to Corey as he sat down on the chair.

"Here we go.." He whispered as he slipped the blindfold on and placed the headphones on his head.

Sam asked the first question. "Who are we speaking to?" His left arm wrapped around Macy's waist as she pressed the back of her shoulder into Sam's chest.

"Victoria." Corey said with a smile.

"What did you mean when you said you are not from the house?" Macy asked.

"From elsewhere." Corey said.

"Where are you from then?” Seth asked, pointing the camera between Corey, Macy and Sam.

"Just around." Corey adjusted the blindfold as it was starting to slip off.

"Like somewhere random?" Macy asked, confusion trailing in her voice.

"Yeah" Corey responded.

"So you found Corey and have been following ever since?" Sam clarified, re-adjusting his grip on Macy's waist.

"Yes. Must leave." Corey said.

"You have to leave Corey?" Colby asked.

"No, more spirits. Talk." Corey shook his head. "There's a lot going on right now.." He said normally as himself.

"Oh, well thanks for talking to us, Victoria." Macy nodded, glancing at Sam and grabbing the hand on his waist, locking her fingers between his.

"Me next." Corey said.

"Who are we speaking to now?" Sam asked, giving Macy's hand a squeeze as she shifted to be right in front of him.

Colby moved right next to Corey, leaning on the wall next to him.

"Me, I" Corey said.

"Who's me?" Colbys asked, bending down slightly to look at Corey.

"You." Corey shook his head. "There was then this laugh- I don't know.."

Sam and Macy looked at each other with slight confusion. Fear trailed in Macy's eyes as she said, "Someone- Something really tall is leaning over Corey and Colby. Its like.. deformed and.." She trailed off, shrinking into Sam, shaking.

Sam put his hands around her waist, giving a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

"Scared?" Corey said is a questioning tone.

"What are your intentions?" Macy asked with a rather shaky voice.

"Just bored, lonely." Corey said.

"You're lonley?" Sam asked, hugging Macy tighter.

"That's what I'm feeling.. Alone.." She whispered.

"Why would you be alone?" Sam asked. "There's lots of other spirits."

"They are scared." Corey said in a rather suprised voice.

"Why are they scared?" Colby questioned as he walked over to Sam and Macy, seeing her uncomfortableness. He put a firm hand on her shoulder and she seemed to ease up a tiny bit.

"They think, scary." Corey said. "It was like a broken scentence." He said normally.

"They think you're scary?" Seth asked.

"Yes." Corey replied.

Macy then jumped, causing Sam and Colby both to flinch.

"Fuck no." She whispered, slipping from Sam's grasp and walking across the basement

Seth tapped Corey to stop as Sam and Colby went to check on Macy.

"What? What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"He started walking toward us.. Really fast and creepy" Macy peered behind Sam, tears pooling in the bottom of her eyes.

"Okay- breathe. Like you said before he can't touch us or do anything to us." Colby said, grabbing her wrist.

Suddenly, Macy yelled and went to scramble away when Sam felt a sharp pain trail up his spine. He yelled and doubled over, falling to his knees. Sam's neck then snapped back, knocking him unconscious.

word count: 954

(Authors note): Making up for not posting yesterday here's the longer chapter :) Anyways, I'm going to include the word count now for each chapter!

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