Ch. 10 Dawn

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Sam's POV:


Colby had gone to change in the bathroom so Macy and I were alone in the dining room. I grabbed her by the waist, grabbing her chin to put her lips against mine. We started making out, her hands resting gently against my chest.


Colby walked in the room, changed into some pajama pants and a tank top. "Ah! What the fuck!" He yelled.

Sam and Macy pulled apart. "Sorry-" Sam scratched the back of his head. "I'm going to go change" Macy said, walking out of the room, grabbing her bag along the way.

"Y'all just met today, y'know." Colby reminded Sam.

"Yeah, I know." Sam sighed. "Hard to resist, though.." He offered a sheepish grin as he put his hands around the back of his neck.

"Whatever dude. I'm just saying be careful, we really could work with her in the future. Don't fuck it up for us." Colby patted his back as he went to the three air mattresses lined up, grabbing and laying a blanket over his.

Macy walked back in shortly, in tight, black shorts and an oversized Nirvana T-shirt, her hair pulled up into a messy bun. Sam grabbed a few clothes out of his bag, heading to the bathroom. He threw on a black tank-top, a hoodie, and grey sweatpants. Sam walked back out, seeing Macy chatting with Colby.

"Dude, I don't think I'm ready to sleep in The Conjuring House.." Macy sighed. "I can't believe you guys have been here for three days already!"

"You get used to it after the first three days." Colby flashed a grin.

Macy groaned, flopping back onto her air mattress. "I always forget how other people don't always see what I see. For example I've seen like 19 spirits in this room alone and haven't said anything because I forgot y'all can't see them!"

While the two chatted Sam had gotten out a few more blankets, setting one up nicely on his mattress and tossing the other one to Macy.

"Hey!" She laughed as the blanket flopped over her head. Macy stood up, laying it sloppily on her mattress.

Colby looked at his phone. "Well, if we are even going to get sleep it should be now, it's 2 AM."

"Alright." Sam smiled. "G'night."

"Night." Macy repeated, Colby echoing her a few seconds later.

-Time skip, 1 hr-

Macy shuffled over to Sam's mattress quietly, placing a hand on his elbow, seeing if he was awake.

"Sam?” she whispered softly.

"Yeah?" He responded, putting a hand on her waist.

"I'm actually freezing, I didnt bring an extra hoodie. Also I think Colby is asleep." Macy glanced back at Colby's area.

"Here." Sam sat up and took off his hoodie, handing it to Macy.

She sat up, putting the hoodie on. Macy then leaned forward, kissing Sam.

He kissed back. They were there for a few moments before they both jumped after hearing Colby groan.

"Get a damn room." He muttered at the two after turning his phone flashlight on, making them both squint. "Also try not to fuck around too much, who knows how Abigail would feel if Y'all went at it in the fucking dining room."

"Calm down bro." Sam said, very flustered. "Sorry for waking you up."

Macy nodded, offering an embarrassed yet sympathetic smile.

"Goodnight, for real this time. No make out sessions. At least not without me." Colby smirked, shutting off his flashlight and rolling over on his side

Sam responded with a good night, not sure what to think about the last part of what Colby said.

"Goodnight Sam." Macy whispered in his ear, putting her head by Sam's chest and his arm went over her waist. He gave Macy one last kiss on the forehead.

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