Ch. 18 Frantic

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Colby's POV:

First person

I watched in horror as Sam collapsed in pain. He writhed on the ground as Macy screamed, kneeling down next to him with her hands on his side. Corey and Seth ran over, asking what was going on frantically.

"I- I don't know!! He just collapsed!" I say, running my hands through my hair. Seth was still recording, his hands shaky.

"Get him out of her now!" Macy yelled, tears falling down her face as Sam let out another cry of pain.

I nodded, my heart racing as me and Corey lifting Sam up, finding it hard because he wouldn't keep still.

"No- no! OWW!!" He screamed, fighting me and Corey.

"Stop Sam, they are helping!" Macy said as Sam wriggled out of our grip, falling to the floor with a thud and another groan of pain.

"It's like he can't control himself..!" Seth was pale with fear, only holding up the camera.

"That's exactly it and we need to get him out NOW!" Macy yelled, frustrated.

Me and Corey finally found a solution. I had his legs while Corey had his arms. We slowly lifted him up the staircase, and as soon as we laid him down on the couch, he calmed down, his voice softening to small groans and complaining.

"Ok, now is the time to explain, Macy." Colby said seriously, turning to her.

"Well.." She started. "Y'know the tall guy I said that ran towards us?" Colby nodded, Corey looking confused. "Well the other spirits have a right to be scared of him. He's thirsty for power and control. He wanted to take over Sam's body, and he probably would have if I wasn't able to see him."

"Wait- I'm confused. What tall guy? Who's scared of him?" Corey asked, putting his hands up slightly.

"While you were doing the Estes method, after Victoria stopped talking, this tall guy showed up and he said he was lonely and all the other spirits were scared of him. Well the lonely thing was a cover up to let our guards down, and since Sam was worried about me, he slipped into his conscious. I don't know what he planned to do with Sam, but it certainly wasn't good." Macy explained.

I put my hands to my head. I hadn't realized that the spirits here would go to such extremes. I mean, I knew they were all different, some dangerous, but trying to possess someone is a whole different story.

"Y'know when the waiver said 'Spiritual possession' I didn't t know it was for real" I gave a half-hearted smile as Macy eased up for a second.

My joke didn't last long as Sam sat up. Macy rushed to his side, grabbing his hand as she interlocked her fingers with his.

"What- ow.. What happened?" Sam groaned, struggling to sit up.

"Don't sit up-" Macy gently pushed him back down. "The spirit tried to possess you, don't stress your body anymore."

Sam seemed very confused but didn't argue, clearly exhausted. His body relaxed and his eyes closed. Almost immediately his pained expression lifted as he drifted to sleep.

I paced back and forth. That was intense. I don't know what we would've done if Macy wasn't there! I mean, she even said if she hadn't seen the spirit Sam probably wouldn't have made it out in time.

"Calm down Colby. The spirit stayed in the basement, all Sam needs is some rest." She reassured me in a soft voice.

"Ok.. If you say so.." I murmured.

Seth had turned off the camera a few minutes ago. He seemed genuinely shocked and was just listening to us talk.

"You good man?" I asked him, patting his back.

"Yeah just.. Shocked. I mean I knew this shit was real, I just didn't know it went this deep." Seth said, shaking his head.

"I feel the same way, especially since I was the one with the headphones on. I mean.. I could just hear the desperation in most of the spirits' voices.." Corey shuddered. "It was intense, almost like I could feel it myself."

"It has that effect..!" Macy whispered with a tiny smile.

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