Ch. 25 Sympathy

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Colby's POV:

Third person

Corey, Seth, and Colby went to get food as it was now lunch. Sam was still out cold. He was super pale and had red handprint marks on his neck.

"I can't believe it happened again.." Seth shook his head, sitting in the passenger seat while Colby drove, leaving Corey in the backseat.

"Yeah. Poor Sam, this is gonna take such a big toll on him. I mean, he already was messed up before, this is gonna be so much worse." Corey leaned on the middle console of the car.

Colby shook his head, unable to think about how Sam would feel when he woke up.

They pulled into Burger King and ordered. Colby ordered a meal for Sam, just in case he woke.

Colby's phone buzzed and he picked it up, seeing Macy had messaged him.

Macy: He woke up.

Colby didn't reply, he just looked at Seth and Corey. "He woke."

Macy's POV:

Macy was sitting by Sam, checking in on her socials when he let out a small groan, his eyes blinking open.

"Sam!" Macy gasped as he squinted at her.

"Macy..?" Sam asked groggily, his voice slightly louder than a whisper.

"I'm here, Sam." She rested a hand on his shoulder.

He attempted to sit up, letting out a yelp and gasping, his eyes watering. "What the hell-! That hurt- Everything hurts-" Sam stuttered, his limbs tensing as his eyes were wide and his expression twisted with pain.

"I know.." Macy said, keeping Sam down. "You got possessed again.." She said gently.

Sam nodded, letting out a yelp when he did so. He groaned, his body rigid in an uncomfortable position.

"Do you need anything?" Macy asked softly.

"Yeah.. Maybe my phone and some Ibuprofen." Sam murmered, giving her a sad look.

"Okay.. And.. I'm sorry, Sam." She whispered.

"Why?" He asked, tilting his head with a grimace.

"I feel like this is all my fault.." Macy admitted.

"What?? Why??" Sam asked, looking puzzled.

"I mean.. I'm the medium here and I should be able to prevent things like this from happening, right?" Macy shook her head.

"Of course not! Spirits are uncontrollable and we can't help what they do." Sam shifted, yelping in pain.

"Thanks.." Macy rubbed the back of her neck. "Here. Let me help you."

She shifted Sam into a sitting up position. Every time he flinched, her heart broke a bit more. Before she left to get his phone and stuff, she placed a kiss on his forehead, still feeling awful about the whole situation, even if it wasn't her fault she still felt terrible.

When Macy grabbed his phone and some advil, she sent a text to Colby saying that Sam woke up, just so he knew.

She chewed on her lip as he read it pretty fast and never responded. Was he mad or relieved? Macy shrugged it off and walked back into the bedroom to find Sam attempting to shift over.

He grimaced, his eyes widening as the pain got worse.

"Woah woah woah, let me help you, mister." Macy chuckled sadly at Sam's struggle, placing his phone and the Ibuprofen on the bed as she adjusted him gently into a good position.

She laid down next to him, handing him the advil and his water that was sitting on the nightstand.

He thanked her and took it. He checked his phone to see a lot of messages. Apparently Colby had posted a tiny explanation video and the fans were going crazy, thinking he was gonna die. Sam sighed.

"Better tell them I'm alright otherwise we might have some very panicked fans on our hands." He chuckled with a grimace.

"Alright. Do you need help or.." Macy trailed off.

"Yeah probably." Sam shrugged slightly. "I think I should just explain what happened and you can say your side of the story too."

"Good idea." Macy said, scooting in closer to him.

They took a few attempt to film the video as it was pretty hard on Sam. By the time they were done his eyes were drooping and his expression rested in an uncomfortable frown.

"Colby and the two should be back soon with fo-" Macy started when there was a knock on the door. She opened it to see the three.

"We got the food- he's awake?" Colby said, walking into the hotel room.

"Yeah.. He's- be careful-" Macy could barley get out a scentance when Colby rushed past her into the bedroom. She glanced at Seth and Corey and they shrugged, setting the food down on the counter.

Seth went into the bedroom as well and Corey helped her set out all the food.

"Is he okay?" Corey asked quietly.

"He's.." Macy hesitated. "He's in a lot of pain.." She chose her words carefully.

Corey looked away, a pained expression on his face. Macy felt terrible, she knew how long they all had been friends, it must be so hard to see Sam struggling.

Macy was muching on some fries when Colby came out of the bedroom, running his hands through his hair. His eyes seemed dull and a frown rested on his face.

"Everything okay?" Macy asked quietly.

"Yeah.. Everything just happened so fast-" Colby sighed.

"I know.. The world is crazy. Right?" Macy offered a soft smile.

(Authors note): Ok its gonna get worse before it gets better but I promise things are gonna be okay


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