Ch. 33 Again

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Colby's POV:

"What do we do??" Elton said as he prevented Macy from collapsing. She was definitely trying her hardest not to be affected by the spirit.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she stuttered. "I can't- I don't know!" Her voice was hitched as she focused. Sam was leaning against the wall and suddenly a wave of exhaustion swept over Colby, apparently hitting Jake and Elton as well.

"Ack-! S-sorry- What's going on.." Jake mumbled as he stumbled, gripping on to the railing.

"It's- affecting us.." Macy tried her best to keep Elton standing as well as herself.

Colby pushed back the exhaustion, using one hand to help Elton, one hand to help Macy.

"Okay- let's all just take a deep breath and put up some barriers." Elton said calmly, his voice shaking.

All five of them nodded. Jake still seemed very panicked.

"What the hell are you all doing-" Corey walked up to them.

"Don't-!" Macy held out her hand but it was too late.

Corey's eyes widened as his hands went to his head. "What is..-" He started but he couldn't finish.

Colby ran over to him, Macy and Elton almost stumbling over from the sudden movement.

"That thing is back again. Just stay calm- we don't know what to do or what it is doing." Colby explained to him as he nodded slowly, a sickened expression on his face.

"Colby, Corey.." Macy said in a scared voice. "I want both of you to walk slowly towards me.."

Colby glanced at her warily. Elton was standing still now with a puzzled expression and Jake was helping Sam stay upright.

"Why..?" Corey asked slowly as the two took a hesitant step towards them.

"It's- It's right behind you.." She stuttered.

Corey's eyes widened as he looked at Colby. Shivers ran down his spine as he brushed his dark hair out of his face.

They took a few more hesitant and rather slow steps forwards, Macy looking pale as everyone was silent. Elton looked as if he was using everything in him to stay standing upright and hold on to Macy.

"What the fuck is going o-" Colby heard a voice from behind him.

"No!" Elton, Jake, Sam, and Macy all screamed in unison but it was too late.

Colby collapsed as a crushing weight took over his body, Corey alongside him.

Whoever was behind them screamed and backed away as Colby and Corey gasped on the ground.

Colby didn't focus on anything else, just the fact that his felt like they were being squeezed and his limbs were being pulled to the ground.

He managed to flip over and squint open his eyes to see Corey struggling just as much as him

Then it went black.

Sam's POV:

First person

I watched in horror as Colby and Corey's struggling slowly turned to twitches and flinches.

This whole situation was horrible. Me, Jake, Macy, Elton, and now Devyn had no idea what to do.

Macy, the medium, was struggling herself to stand up and probably had no energy to fend off the spirit.

For now we all stood there, struggling as the spirit was fighting for our energy.

Finally, Macy took a deep breath as I felt the exhaustion slowly lift.

I still leaned up against the wall as the pain was slightly worse, Jake sighing and stretching as he walked over to Corey and Colby.

"I wonder what the thing did to them.." He murmered as he bent down over them.

Third person

Elton's arms were around Macy's waist as she fell into his chest. Sam tried not to get jealous as Elton cradled her, but Sam remembers Jake's comment from earlier and the scene dug under his skin slightly.

Instead of focusing on that scene for too long, Sam walked over to Corey and Colby. Sure enough they were passed out, laying on the floor. When they both collapsed, it looked as if they had pressure dragging them down, preventing them from lifting themselves up.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Devyn asked quietly as seh walked up to the two boys.

"I'm sure they will- I don't know what happened, though.." Sam murmered.

"It was taking our energy." Macy said as she was stabilized in Elton's arms. "Trying to have the energy itself to do something.."

"Well thanks a lot Sam, you've brought an energy-stealing demon to our house." Jake joked.

Sam shrugged. "I didn't choose to be possessed, y'know."

"Hold on, what do we do now? Just let em' sleep and hope they wake up fine?" Elton asked.

"Yeah.. I guess." Sam turned back, looking at his two friends.

Jake groaned. "Do we have to move them to the couch? I'm exhausted.." He whined.

"I mean- unless you want to leave them laying here we have to move them." Sam reasoned.

Jake sighed. "Uncle Elton, come help me!" He demanded, still in a whiney voice.

Sam walked over to the two as Macy gently leaned against the railing, Elton's arms falling to his side.

Sam replaced Elton in the situation, his arms sliding around Macy's waist. He felt Macy relax in his arms, still leaning against the railing slightly.

Elton and Jake moved together, lifting Colby first on the couch, then moving Corey. Devyn sat right next to him, brushing strands of hair off his forehead.

Macy was leaning heavily on Sam, her eyes drooping with exhaustion, and every time Sam moved slightly she winced.

"Need to go back upstairs? We could take a nap together?" Sam asked quietly, leaning down to meet her eyes.

Macy looked up at Sam and nodded. They made their way up the stairs slowly, walking into Sam's room.

Macy flopped down on the bed with a groan as Sam went into his closet to find something comfortable to wear.

After Sam changed he found Macy comfy in the sheets. She seemed exhausted as her eyelids fought to stay open.

He snuggled in next to her, placing a kiss on her forehead as she smiled at him.

"Do you want to change?" Sam asked softly.

"No.. I'll do it tomorrow." Macy sighed.

"Alright. G'night baby." Sam murmered, plugging his phone in and hugging Macy's waist.

Word count: 1072


anyways I'm struggling to keep it going smoothly

ill take any suggestions!!

tysm for 750 reads 🫶🫶

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