Ch. 57

33 1 0

Jake's POV

First person

I blinked my eyes open as Macy shifted under me. I lifted my head to see her face have an unreadable expression as she chewed on her lip.

"Macy?" I asked in a low and tired voice as I leaned forwards slightly to look at her. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I was just thinking." She responded, squeezing my hand as our plane slowly lowered in the sky.

Looks like we are landing now. I sat up fully straight, rubbing my eyes tiredly as I checked the time off my phone. It was 2:32.

I glanced to the lady next to me. She was reading a book I didn't recognize and had a frown on her face. She hadn't talked to us the entire flight and only got up to go to the restroom once I think.

Macy looked out the window with a wide smile, but worried eyes. I tilted my head. Was she alright? Was she re- thinking this whole trip? Does she really want to move to L.A? Does she miss living in Florida?

Those questions circulated my mind as the plane's wheels made contact with the ground, driving up the landing strip.

A voice came over the intercom. "Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed your trip. Please remain seated until the plane comes to a full stop and wait for directions from the flight attendants before exiting this flight. Thank you and have a good rest of your day!" It clicked off, making that chh sound.

Macy looked back at me with a genuine smile, leaning forwards to peck my lips gently. "You ready?" She asked as my lips twitched into a small smile.

"Only if you are." I replied, squeezing her hand.

"Oh I am. We should go to Disney. Oh! Let's go to Busch Gardens!! Can we go to Busch Gardens?" Macy asked excitedly as the plane finally stopped.

"Let's focus on getting to your apartment first." I chuckled at her excitement. Busch Gardens did sound really fun, I have never gone myself yet, but we have a lot of things to do.

We have to pack her thing's, sell her apartment, and more within four days. Or three if you don't count today.

Everyone then stood up as the flight attendants directed, grabbing their stuff from the overhead bins as everyone dismissed.

When the lady sitting next to me shuffled off, I reached up to pull our bags from above, lifting it down slowly and placing it on the floor as Macy grabbed her suitcase.

As I shrugged on my backpack, we made it to the front, walking out of the door of the plane.

~time skip~

We were in Macy's bright pink Jeep, driving back to her apartment. I was pretty surprised when I saw the car because I definitely did not think that Macy of all people would own a bright hot pink car.

"So why the pink?" I asked with a small, teasing smile.

"Oh yeah, it was on sale because nobody really wanted it and it was gently used, so." Macy shrugged. "Plus the pink is cool."

I shook my head as I leaned back into the seat, sighing. Florida looks a lot different then L.A. Everything almost seems more.. Beachy. Palm trees were scattered around as we passed different plazas with numerous stores.

We then pulled into a parking lot with a large building in the center. Macy then parked in an open parking spot and stopped the car, turning it off and opening the door.

As I got out, I stretched. I was probably less tired but it still felt like noon when it was around 3 o'clock.

"We're here!" Macy smiled as she popped open the trunk.

"Florida looks so nice." I commented as I made my way to the back of the car.

"Just wait until you're down town in Tampa and Clearwater. Then you'll see the beaches and buildings and stuff." Macy said as she checked her suitcase pocket, pulling out a set of keys.

"I'm excited. I mean, here is nice. You have a school over there and a bunch of stores." I said as we walked to the front of the apartment building.

"Yeah, but all the good stuff is at least 30 minutes away, so just you wait." Macy grinned as she took my hand.

I opened one of the doors, Macy walking in right before me.

It was a casual lobby looking place. There was a woman sitting at the front desk, looking rather bored as she typed away. A few plants were scattered around as seats were laid against the walls.

Macy guided us over to two elevators before pushing the up button.

One of the doors dinged and opened. We walked inside as Macy pressed floor 4 on the panel.

I had one hand on the railing with the other around Macy's waist, holding her tightly.

"I can't wait to go to the beach, it's been too long since I've gotten out like this." I murmered as the elevator started moving.

"Yeah, I'm sure we can do a lot if we finish whatever work we have to get done quickly." She nodded, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Are you ready to move into the traphouse?" I asked, rubbing up and down her side with my hand softly.

"I.. I guess." She shrugged. "It's a big change, but I'm glad to get outta here."

"That doesn't sound confident." I tilted my head to the side, facing her. She chewed her lip with an unsure expression on her face. "If you aren't ready I'm sure everyone would understand."

"No, I'm ready. I just.. I have a lot of memories here, not a lot of good ones. I need to let go. I'll explain later.." Macy said as the elevator dinged, finally arriving at the correct floor.

"Alright." I sighed, slightly confused as Macy walked out with her suitcase, me not trailing far behind.

We then walked down a long and plain hallway with numerous rooms with numbers stamped on cheap brass plates welded to the white doors.

Finally we made it to the end of the hallway where door 462 stood. Macy placed her key inside of the lock on the handle and turned it to the right, a satisfying click in return as she opened the knob, walking into the apartment.

(Author's note): A new beginning! Sorry for not posting. I'll try and get a chapter out as soon as I can really, but thank you guys so so so so so so so so so so so much for 6.08k reads like that's insane.

Love you guys, stay safe out there. 🫶🫶

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