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Macy's POV:

Third person

Macy stood there in shock as Sam ran upstairs. He was.. Broken. She saw the pain in his eyes as he told Jake and Macy that they could be together. She saw the guilt creeping up when he talked about how much he messed up.

She really wanted to follow him upstairs and comfort him but she shook her head. It would be best to get him in the morning where he would have a clear mind.

"I didn't realize he was so hurt.. I thought he was just jealous.." Jake murmered, guilt hinting in his tone.

"Don't worry, Jake. We can talk more tomorrow, now let's just sleep." Macy pecked his cheek as they started to walk upstairs, their hands intertwined.

~time skip~

Macy yawned as she woke up, surprised to find that Jake had already woken up due to his empty side of the bed.

She stretched and put on some clothes. Some black leggings and a greenish top that had a rather low cut. She left her hair down and washed her face, putting on slight makeup.

Macy opened her door and walked down to the kitchen, in the middle of a heated debate between Elton, Colby, Jake, Corey, and Sam.

"Really?? You think lucky charms are better than captain crunch?? You guys are crazy!!" Elton was leaning on the table, both of his hands down.

"Duh!" Corey said exasperatedly. "Lucky charms are the og!!"

"What?! Captain crunch has been around so much longer!" Jake protested.

"What the hell is going on here..?" Macy sighed as she opened the pantry door.

"They-" Jake pointed to Sam, Colby, and Corey. "-Think that lucky charms is better than captain crunch!!"

"Yes, because it is!" Sam argued.

"No it's not!?" Elton argued back.

"Lucky charms have been around for like a billion years." Colby crossed his arms.

"Captain crunch has been around longer." Jake said in a sassy tone.

"Let me just google it!" Macy pulled out her phone, rolling her eyes at the boys.

Macy laughed as she pulled up the answer on her phone. "It's a one year difference!"

"Still counts!" Corey grinned, seeming confident.

"Captain crunch was released in 1963 while lucky charms was released in 1964." She smiled as she read it off her phone.

"Oh COME ON!" Colby groaned. "Lucky charms is still better though!!"

"Nuh uh!" Jake retorted. "You heard it yourself! Captain crunch is just better."

When Sam went to say something, Macy interrupted him. "Okay they're both good. Done? Okay good. Now we all should film a video." She had an idea.

"Okay. I'm down." Corey shrugged and slowly the rest of them agreed. "By the way Tara and Devyn are out together."

"Okay." Macy nodded. "Anyways, we should do a pool video never have I ever."

"Oh? What does the pool have to do with it?" Colby asked.

"Every time someone says never they have to be pushed in and land inside a tube and if they miss or fall out they have to eat garlic or mustard straight." Macy explained her idea.

"Oh? That's interesting." Sam murmered.

"Yeah and it'll be funny and fun." Macy grinned. "Everyone get on your bathing suits and meet outside!!" She said as she started going upstairs.

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