Ch. 54

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Macy's POV:

First person

~time skip~
(Day of the trip)

I groaned as my alarm woke me up. I blinked my eyes open and shut it off, wrapping my arms around Jake as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"No.. Baby, five more minutes." I groaned, holding onto him tight as he chuckled in a low, tired voice.

"We have to leave for our flight soon." Jake said, slowly prying my arms from around him.

I sighed, turning in my bed and laying on my back, facing the ceiling as I slowly dragged myself out of bed.

Jake was already in my bathroom getting changed and doing his morning routine as I watched him from the doorframe, my arm over my head while my other propped me up against the wall.

"You gonna stand there and stare or actually get ready?" Jake asked in an amused tone.

"Mm.. Stand here." I decided, walking to my closet.

I looked for a comfy outfit. I only had a few things hanging up as most of my stuff was in Florida anyways. I then decided on a soft, spaghetti strap shorter shirt and one of Jake's hoodies and some red, plaid pajama pants.

"You're looking cute." Jake said as I walked into the bathroom and picked up my brush and started detangling my messy hair.

"Thanks babe. Also where's your cologne? I washed this and it doesn't smell like you anymore." I complained to him as he smiled.

"I'll go get it. Be right back." He said, amused as he walked out of the bathroom and out of my room, leaving the door open for when he comes back.

I brushed my teeth while he was gone, putting my long hair up into a messy bun and putting some mascara on my eyelashes.

While I was putting some concealer on to lessen my dark eye bags he came back.

"Sorry that took a while, it took me forever to find it since I forgot where I put it." Jake apologized as he handed it to me.

I used my tip toes to kiss his cheek. "It's alright baby. Thank you." I said as I took the cap off and sprayed down the hoodie, giving him a few sprays before I put the lid back on.

"What time is it?" I asked after I finished blending out my makeup.

"6:42 and the airport is like 20-30 minutes away." Jake said, checking his phone.

"Awesome. I am so glad we packed yesterday." I sighed. "Thank you past me."

"Yeah we definitely would be late. Let's get all the suitcases down and maybe see if we should pick up breakfast or not." Jake said as he set down his hairbrush and walked out of the bathroom, me not far behind.

None of the lights were on as everyone was asleep in their rooms. I quietly carried my suitcase as Jake went into his room and grabbed his.

After going downstairs we turned on the hallway and stairway light so we could see and we opened the front door as Jake unlocked his car.

After we had put everything inside the trunk, I went back upstairs to double check that we had grabbed everything. I noticed that I hadn't packed my charger and my hairbrush was still on the counter along with my mascar and concealer. I grabbed the few items and walked back downstairs to see Jake on his phone, waiting by the front door.

"Ready? I found a McDonalds that's on the way and we can grab something there. Is that alright?" Jake asked, grabbing my waist as we walked out of the door together, shutting it and locking it.

"Yeah, that's alright. Thank you Jakey." I smiled, pecking him before separating and getting into the passenger seat.

He turned on the car and connected his phone to bluetooth, handing it to me before pulling out of the driveway.

I clicked spotify and went through his playlists, shuffling one that I found interesting.


Jake pulled into a McDonald's around 10 minutes after we left. There was more cars than I had expected on the road, but still not too much traffic. When we ordered, the person taking out order sounding tired and rather bored as Jake said out order, reading off the menue.

When we pulled up, there was a dark-haired teenager waiting. "Will that be cash or debit?" She asked, sounding bored until she saw Jake and her eyes lit up.

"Debi-" He started, holding out his card but pausing as he saw her face.

"Are you Jake Webber?? Oh my god!!" She started freaking out.

Jake chuckled and smiled. "Yes, I am."

"You are like, my idol! I listen to all of your songs and your vidoes are so funny and cool!" She ranted. "Can I take a photo or video? Or both?"

"Sure, either and both is fine." Jake looked at me as I smiled. She seemed so nervous and surprised.

I leaned back as she took out her phone to take a photo, not wanting to be in the back.

"Oh, sorry Macy. You can be in the photo too." She said, looking genuine.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled as I leaned back forwards.

After she took a photo she had a wide grin on her face. "Thank you guys so much!! Your food will be ready at the next window."

"Wait- But I didn't pay..?" Jake said, trying to hand her his card.

"Oh, it's okay, on the house today!" Her smile widening as my eyes softened.

"Thank you so much! Have a good day." Jake waved as he slowly drove to the next window.

I sighed as I leaned back in my seat. "Well that was unexpected and nice."

"Yeah, she seemed so excited." Jake chuckled as the car came to a stop at the window.

Another tired looking worker handed Jake our food and drinks and he handed it to me. I seperated our orders, leaving his in the bag as I handed it to him.

He put it in between his legs and opened his breakfast sandwhich before going back onto the road, continuing our drive to the airport.

I then checked my phone as it buzzed to see me and Jake had gotten tagged in an Instagram post by kyleewebber238. It was the girl from earlier and she had posted the picture she took with me and Jake. There was a long paragraph connected to it that read;

I got the chance to meet Jake Webber while working today!! I was so excited because he is literally my idol and I love him so much. Macy was also there too! I am so happy they are dating because they are so cute and I'm literally in shock right now I'm crying. They both have changed my life for the better and helped me when life was tough by giving me a good laugh or making an interesting video. Thanks to you both!! Stay awesome.

I smiled. "Check Instagram, the girl tagged us in her post." I told Jake as I was in slight shock. She had said Jake and I had changed her life. That's a pretty big deal. I took a bite of my hash brown as I read the message one more time.

Slowly we got to a stop light and Jake checked his phone, his eyebrows shooting up as he read.

"Oh wow, that explains why she was so excited." Jake said, taking another bite of his sandwich before the light turned green.

"Yeah." I yawned. This was just the start of a long day ahead of us.

Word count: 1340

(Author's note): Sorry if this was confusing or anything! I am sick right now and it's messing with my head. Go check out my other story The Wedding and tysm for 2.88k reads! I just realized how many reads the first like 7 chapters have. Like the first one had almost 200 reads and the others aren't far behind. TYSM

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