Y!Cream Unicorn Cookie x Fem!Reader

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*Shiver* 'It sure is cold.' I thought as I walked down the road. Damn, why did I have to get lost?! And my flashlights out too. Just great. Now I'm just walking in a random direction, not knowing where my feet lead me.


'What was that?!' Looking behind me, I tried to see something, but it was too dark. Huh, it was probably nothing. Must've been my imagnation. I continued walking.


This is pointless. I have no idea where to go! I should find a village or something. Hopefully I will. It was getting creepy here-

My thoughts were interrupted by a flash of light, making me fall to the ground. Everything was spinning, and before I could regain my conciousness, everything went completely black. When I awoke, my head felt like bursting. Ugh... I looked around as soon as my head stopped spinning. All I could see was a dark room with nothing but dusty, seemingly unused plastic unicorns that you could ride for merry-go-rounds. And... an exit door! Sighing with reliev, I tried to move towards it, only to realize I couldn't. I was tied to a chair. What the-?!


I looked back at the unicorns, where the laughter came from. One of them was...moving? Yeah, it was actually moving! And it... turned into a Cookie?! Before I could take another glance, the unicorn Cookie was standing right in front of me. There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but I was too scared to speak as I noticed the weapon they had. A knife, a knife with jam dripping from it. Okay, now I was really scared! The Cookie spoke up.

"C/N Cookie! It seems you have awoken, my love. I can tell there is a lot of questions spinning in that pretty head of yours right now. My name is Cream Unicorn Cookie, a dear fan of you. As for where you are, this is the staff room of the amusement park once known as CookieLand." Love? Cream Unicorn Cookie? Dear Fan? The old amusement park? What on earthbread are they talking about?!

"You may be wondering why you are here. Well, the answer is simple. I have grown very fond of you, your looks, personality, I have observed all! And, I want you to stay here with me. Ever since CookieLand has been closed down, it has gotten quite lonely for me. But it will all be better with you! Isn't it amazing? You and me, forever and ever." At this point, my eyes would have probably fallen out if I widened them further. This.. this Cookie is sick! They want me to stay with them? Forever?! And they were stalking me? Since when?! My gaze was still stuck on the knife they had in hand.

"J-jam... why-" "Oh, that! Haha! It is nothing, darling. I just had to get rid of some Cookies in my way of talking to you. Like.. that Cookie over there." They motioned to a crumbled body lying on the ground, one E/C eye brutually ripped out. My heart sank. "D-dad...?" I whispered. They.. they killed my father? Finally I was able to look the Cookie in the eyes. E/C met purple. "You're...crazy!" My words were a mere mumble. "Haha! Crazy for you! Yes, that I am." In a blink of an eye Cream Unicorn Cookie made a step towards me. "So, will you be my girlfriend and stay with me forever? I promise to treat you well." What is going on in that sick mind?! "I... I..!" They struck the knife into my arm, slowly ripping it in and out. This made me groan in pain. A tear or two rolled down my cheek. "I'm gonna ask you again. Will. You. Be. My. Girlfriend?"

I couldn't take the pain anymore! Cream Unicorn Cookie would probably end me! So, without looking at them, I said yes. "Good! I knew you would make the right decision. Together, we will form countless of memeories written in the stars! Now, you may have a few minutes to yourself." They immediately took back the knife, that sickening smile staying on their face all the while. And with that, they left. Leaving me tied up in a chair with a half crumbled arm, hanging head and without all sense of hope.


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